Chapitre 1

4 1 2

Hell !!

What does it seem like for you ?

Is it pain ?

A lot of pain ?

But for me , it's that one moment that I discovered , I will be studying with Park jimin in the same damn class..

I hated thee fact that I will be meeting him after all these years

But I didn't have any other solution, though

I will have a hard time again !

Aishhhh !!

{ 5 years ago }

" heyy Min Soo ! I missed you a lot !! You look pretty " jimin said

" yeah , as always " I did a cute face

" hehe , lets go have some fun ! " he said taking my hand

" I'm excited , babe " I said blushing

"You're cute" he told me and then we went to an amusement park

It was our first date since we started dating

He asked me to be his girlfriend not a long time ago

And I accepted as he was the most handsome boy in our college

At the park

" what about riding that one?" I asked pointing to a really high roller coaster even though I fear heights

But it seemed romantic when a couple ride it and the girl act like she's afraid and the boy say " i got ya" and kiss her forehead and hold hands ,
At least that's what I thought

And I was still happy at the fact that I'm really dating the most famous boy in our college

That's cool !

Many girls hated me for that but since I'm happy with him, I don't care 🤷‍♀️

" yeah.. sure, if you want to " jimin looked at me smiling softly , and that almost melted my heart ( like the Butter comeback did )

We held hands and went to queue in front of the roller coaster  waiting for our turn

I didn't think it would be scary, in fact , I wasn't even thinking about the ride at all, all I was thinking about was jimin and having fun with him since it's our first date , and I tried super hard not to feel shy around him and hold hands in front of all people,

We talked while we were waiting

" you seem distracted, are you alright ?" He asked nervously checking my facial expressions , but I was too lost looking into his eyes that I didn't even hear him asking me that

" Min soo !!" He said waving his hand in front of my face to wake me up from daydreaming

" ohh !" I said surprised " what were you saying ? I was thinking about something " I said smiling

" wanna grab some food after this ? Aren't you hungry ?" He asked patting my head

" won't we feel sick after eating ?" I asked

" not really " he said smiling " if we sat at a near cafe and had a nice walk after, we won't feel sick, right ?" He said smiling again

I almost fainted about the fact how he prepared a whole plan for our first date

Uwu ! That's cute !

It will sure be fun ..

"We are here" jimin said looking at the seats 💺 and choosing where should we sit

" Mmm... what about the front seat? Are you afraid ? I'll hold your hand if you feel terrified and I'll hang my hand around you and pull you closer so that you feel safe " he said happy

I almost didn't believe what he just said

Am I in a K-drama scene or something ?!

Min Soo !! Wake up !!

The present

" Min Soo !! Heyy !! Wake up !! Are you going to spend the whole day in bed like that ? Come on !! Let's eat breakfast at some nearby cafe and breath some fresh air! You didn't go out and had fun in a while ! Come on girl " Soon ri said

I covered my face with the blanket and told her to get out of the room

But she insisted on me waking up and going out with her so I opened my eyes and sat on the bed

" we were at the amusement park this time " I said rubbing my eyes to see clearly

" again ?!!" She said speechless " wooaah ! You must be out of your mind really ! Last time was a travel and now it's an amusement park , what's next ? His house or his bed ? " she said not believing that I dreamt about him another time

" I should go to my therapist, my condition is getting worse with days " I suggested

" yeah , sure thing " she added " you should forget about him , he is gone now, you already suffered a lot in those past five years , just move on girl ! Move on !!" She said opening the windows of the room to let the sun get in

" I'll take a quick bath and go downstairs " I said going to the bathroom

She then left the room singing a BTS song and went to finish something in the living room

My sister is obsessed with books, she can't stop reading books , she is also working on a book, she's writing her own book

I am living with my sister alone for about 8 years now and she was there with me when I first started dating Jimin

Our parents are divorced and each one of them is remarried

I only have my sister now, and since we are old enough ( 19 and 21) we can live alone
I guess that's the only option we have after all

We live in Seoul , korea
The dream city  of many people

I know you are wondering how we could afford living there since it's very expensive

My father is a very successful businessman and my mother took all her dad's money after his death , so both of them are rich and each month , they send us money

This is why we don't lack anything at all

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