Ch 3 - Just the two of us

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Jungkook sits on the sofa in the corner. There are two other people on the couch with him, but he pays them no mind. Especially since they're eating each other's faces. Jungkook leans away from them, toward the wall. He's on his phone, scrolling with one hand, picking at the label of his bottled beer with the other.

"You," Jimin growls.

Jungkook looks up, blinks his wide eyes.

And Jimin drops himself right in Jungkook's lap.

"What? Hey," Jungkook mumbles.

"Why did you leave me?" Jimin frowns.

Jungkook puts his phone away, then wraps his freed hand around Jimin's waist, holds him tight. Keeps him from tumbling to the ground.

"I didn't leave you, you left me," Jungkook grumbles. "I told you to wait for me while I peed and when I came out you were gone."



"I'm sorry," Jimin says. Jungkook doesn't look upset, but Jimin knows his friend well. Knows how well he can hide his emotions. His feelings. "Do you forgive me?"

He gives Jungkook his best puppy eyes. But instead of smiling like Jimin expects him to, instead of laughing it off like usual, Jungkook looks away. He looks at his beer in his hand, continues peeling the label.

"Yeah, it's fine hyung."

"Hey," Jimin says. "I really am sorry. I wanted to spend this night with you. It's our last hoorah, you know? Last house party until we go home next weekend. I want us to have fun."

"I am having fun."

Jimin huffs a laugh.

"Are you really?"

Jungkook shrugs.

"I guess."

Jimin leans more heavily against Jungkook's chest. Jungkook's hair has fallen a bit in the humid party air. So Jimin runs his fingers through it, tucks it behind Jungkook's ear.

"Are you having fun, hyung?"

There's something about Jungkook's question that gives Jimin pause. Something in his voice, swimming in its depths. There's a sadness there, a sort of mourning. It twists at Jimin's chest, makes his heart ache for the man in front of him. His best friend. So much so Jimin suddenly feels a little teary.

Ah, the alcohol.

Jimin takes a long swig of water.

"Yes, I am," Jimin answers once he swallows. "You know I like to see everyone."

"Yeah," Jungkook says. He actively avoids Jimin's eyes. "I know."

a short silence between them arises 

"Jungk- "

"Are you having more fun than we do at home? Just us two?" Jungkook interrupts, his voice a bit strangled. A bit forced. "Is this more fun to you? Partying and stuff?"

"That's not fair," Jimin sighs. "I like both. I love both, especially when you're there."

Jungkook just nods.

"Kook-ah," Jimin murmurs, using an index finger to lift Jungkook's chin, to meet their eyes. They do, but Jungkook's flicker towards Jimin's lips. Once, twice. Jimin barrels on. "If you wanted to stay home so bad, why didn't you tell me? I'm sorry to drag you here. That wasn't cool."

"No, no, that's not what I mean, hyung. I just..." Jungkook removes his hold from Jimin's waist. Jimin wobbles a bit as Jungkook scrapes his palm down the side of his face. When his hand returns, Jimin feels anchored. It's kinda crazy, how that works. "I should have just stayed home, let you go out on your own and have fun. I don't wanna ruin it."

"Hey," Jimin scolds. "Stop. If you stayed home, I would have too. The point of you coming with me was so we could hang out. I want to spend time with you. Okay? We came here together, we're leaving together. Yeah?"

A smile tugs at Jungkook's lips.

"Yeah." Jimin pokes a finger into Jungkook's mouth, tries to spread his lips into the bunny smile he'd really like to see. "Hyung! Cut it out, your finger – gross, Jimin hyung I don't know where your finger's been!"

They wrestle a bit, until Jimin spills a little bit of water into their laps.

"Okay, okay. Let's go mingle some more," Jimin gasps, starts to climb out of Jungkook's lap.

Jungkook groans.

"I'm too drunk to speak English right now, hyung," Jungkook whines.

"Your English is like ten times better than mine, shut your mouth. And isn't that the first beer you grabbed? You've only had one, there's no way you're that drunk," Jimin scoffs. But Jungkook remains seated on the sofa, ignoring the couple on the neighboring cushion, looking up at Jimin who stands between his legs now. Jimin relinquishes a long, dramatic sigh. "Fine. C'mon. We gotta find Jackson and say goodbye. Who knows when we'll see him again."

Jungkook's nose scrunches when he gives Jimin the bunny smile he needs.


He springs up from the couch, and Jimin swats his shoulder.

"You're carrying me home," Jimin grumbles. Jungkook beams brighter. But then Jimin looks out the window and sees it's really raining now. His apartment is at least a forty-five-minute walk from Jackson's house. Fuck. "Just kidding. Give me your phone."


"Just – "

Jimin reaches right into Jungkook's pants pocket and pulls out his cell. Then he brings up Jungkook's contacts and calls the number he needs. No one answers the first time, so Jimin tries again. He smiles when a gravely voice answers on the last ring.


"Yoongi hyung?" Jimin slurs. "Give your boyfriend his phone, please, we request his services."

"You're not Jungkook."

"And you're not Namjoon hyung!"

"Are you drunk?" Yoongi asks.

"Very, can hyung please come and get us?"


"Hyung! Rude!"

"Hello? Jimin-ah?"

This time it's Namjoon's voice that crackles through the speaker. Jimin smiles triumphantly.

"Hey, hyung. Can you pick me and Jungkook up from Jackson's? We wanna go home, but it's pouring rain. We're both wearing nice shoes, don't want to ruin them."

Namjoon's bemused chuckle filters through, and Jimin thinks he hears Yoongi say something about whipped culture in the background.

"Yeah, of course. I'll be there in a few."

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