Deep Ocean

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I didn't know how to swim and neither did Julie and Gwen, but we went to my aunt's beach house, looking for something to do.

Teens wanted fun, any kind of fun even from an old, row boat with a single oar and we didn't have life jackets.

But we needed them.

The ocean waves rolled beneath the sunset for miles and no one visited the secluded beach after hours.

We bended the rules, but nobody complained to us and my aunt drove off to dinner somewhere.

Gwen and I dragged the boat to the shore and Julie climbed inside first as we plunged it into the ocean, giving it a great send off.

We jumped in, expecting a cool ride.

As soon as Gwen grabbed the oar, the boat moved fast against the tide, but she didn't know what happened, trying to stop it with the oar.

The waves rose higher and the sky darkened. We panicked. We didn't know what to do to stop the boat as it drifted further over the deep ocean.

We called for help, hoping someone came to the beach anyway, but we saw no one.

Julie snatched the anchor chain and struggled to pull it up. Something on the other end yanked it back and she fought hard.

A high wave tipped the boat and we held on, but I fell overboard.

Cold water engulfed me and my body temperature adjusted eventually. I sank, stretching desperately for the anchor chain.

A giant, electric eel emerged to the ocean surface with the anchor hook stuck in its mouth.

I screamed and it let go, diving down. It swam toward my feet and I grabbed the anchor chain, praying it didn't strike me.

Gwen reached for me and Julie pulled up the chain, but a large wave broke my grip.

The salty, ocean water choked me and I stopped breathing. That one minute passed by slowly. In a panic, I tried to inhale air, but I couldn't, watching Julie and Gwen call out to me. I didn't even hear them.

Another wave hit me hard and I didn't care where the eel went anymore.

Gwen rowed the boat to me frantically, but the wild ocean bounced it around. I faced my fear of the deep ocean near my two best friends, but I felt so alone.

Julie screamed for me to relax and float.

I'm about to drown. I can't.

Holding my breath, exhausted me and   that relaxed my body. Almost falling asleep on deep, moving water didn't make sense, but I did it.

My feet floated up and I turned on my back to breathe, hoping a shark didn't sense me.

I floated for what felt like forever until Julie took my hand and held it tightly. Using all the strength I had, I climbed into the boat with dripping-wet clothes while Gwen controlled it with the oar.

The tide helped the boat drift back to shore and I survived, choosing to live.

Deep OceanWhere stories live. Discover now