fer.al.,../ oh and animal jam too welp

5 0 0

ok so

that one do or dye place go t \


sees dm


anyways it s like on a castle balcony????

pffft artic dming me nitro gifs

anyways i was just having a stroke at that update then

I WOKE UP AT 12 AT NIGHT WITH A BLOODDY NOSE anyways thats why i slept in

then i went back to sleep and aj updated where you could make your animals stand on two legs anyways i bought a chestplate and sword ne w funny item (not in aj) and cosplaye d luka and went to mt shivver and went up to people screaming at them ''WELL HELLO THERE IF YOU DONT MIND I'D LIKE TO INTODUCE MYSELF IM LUKA THE LEADER OF OUR HAPPY FLOK IM SURE OUR JUST PASSING THROUGH LIKE ALL OF US ARE, BUT IF YOU HAVE TIME TO LINGER A LITTLE LONGER....''

is my feral addiction (or luka addiction-) really that bad to the point where i memorized that






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