The boys name

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After my brothers friends and him were done playing  we headed home I was still thinking on how I was gonna ask  the boy his name well see it's late I'm going to bed so tomorrow I shall ask for his name and maybe he'll let me hang with his friends , the next day  I woke up went outside and I saw the boy walking by I ran and said  " hi my name is y/n Mendoza what's your name " the boy smiled and said
" my name is Benjamin Franklin Rodriguze "  but my fiends call me Benny " I just stood there. Looking at him and smiled and said " nice to met you " there was a pause then he finally said " so ever been to the sandlot " I smiled and said no " he laughed and said "how have u not been to the sandlot " it was true tho I have never heard of a sandlot I told him "idk  I guess we're I'm From we don't have that ." Then he said "wanna come u can meet my friends and maybe hang with us " I said "sure why not" then before I knew we were heading for the sandlot . When we got there I saw some boys and they walked up and another tan boy but smaller asked "who's the girl "
Benny "said y/n  this is Yea-yea "
I said "nice to meet. You " then he said " and this is Scott smalls " smalls said "hi "
I said "hey" back  then he said "this is Kenny de Nunez " I meet all the guys and then they
started playing baseball and I was just watching. And then be counting

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