Chapter One: The Beginning

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beep- beep- beep-

Ashtyn bolted upright in her bed. She grabbed her phone from her night table; it read 6:31. She yawned, laid back down, and hit snooze. She now had 9 more minutes until the blaring noise repeated itself.

9 minutes seemed like ten seconds.

Ashtyn wrapped herself tightly underneath her covers, then threw them off of her and jumped out of bed. She then could not see a thing other than black due to getting up too quickly. So, she sat back down and reached for her glasses. Now I can see! She thought silently. Wait! It's Tuesday! Drama's today! She took a sweatshirt out of her mess of a closet, some leggings, fuzzy socks, and a sports bra and dressed herself.

Her brother, James was walking in the hall. He saw her, laughed, and asked "why do you always dress like that?"

"Hey, I call this look I-Dress-Lazier-Than-I-Act. Don't judge me, Mr. I-Wear-Shorts-In-Winter." James gave Ashtyn the death stare and went to go eat breakfast.

Ashtyn, on the other hand, grabbed her phone and hit shuffle to listen to music while getting ready. The first song was "For Good" from Wicked, one of the songs that she sang in Jazz Choir. She even had a solo for where Elphaba would've sang. Oh, the memories...

Ashtyn went into the bathroom and began brushing her hair. She then flipped her head upside-down and created a quick and fabulous messy bun to complete her I-Dress-Lazier-Than-I-Act look. Three songs later, her teeth were brushed and her face was washed. Normally, she skipped breakfast, but Ashtyn was early for once! Wow! So she popped some waffles in the toaster and scrolled through her feed before she had to leave for the bus. The last song that played before she shut off her music before she left was "Another Day" from Rent. Oh, what another day this will turn out to be.


The school day was a blur, like usual. Except today was even more full of hell-Ashtyn had gotten an Algebra test back and received a 96 rather than her normal 100 for such a silly mistake. She was mad at herself for a while, but then got over it. Then, her friend, Louis told her that he wasn't coming to Drama that afternoon because he was working on a project with the Set Club, which made her antsy. Then, she couldn't talk to her other friend, Daniel, because he still had not watched the latest episodes of Doctor Who and the Walking Dead, so she simply couldn't discuss anything further until he caught up.

Ashtyn had female friends, too. Some of them off the top of her head were Em, Lynn, Rose, Hope, Rae, Christine, Ann... Sure they were incredible friends, but they didn't quite understand her just as well as one in particular. Her name was Amanda.

Amanda had the same secret that Ashtyn did. She was a grade younger, but that didn't matter. They've been friends since 2011. The bonds that the two of them made were unbreakable-this secret just made their bond stronger.


The last bell had just rung. Drama Club awaits their President! Yes, Ashtyn was the President of the Middle School's Drama Department. No, she didn't bribe her way into the position. In fact, she loved Drama Club more than anything else and was even nicer to her Drama Geeks than she was to other people she saw walk by in the hall.

Ashtyn walked into the auditorium for rehearsal to find papers being passed out-blank sheets of loose leaf.

"Hey, Mr. B! What are we doing with all this paper?"

"Hello, Ashtyn! We're writing mini skits today and performing them on Thursday, so go on, get started!"

Mr. B was the sweetest and shortest little old man to ever run the Middle School's Drama Club, but he knew what he was doing.

Ashtyn was trying to decide who she'd want to write her script with, but then she saw someone sitting alone in the back.

"Hey, Amanda, do you have someone to write with?"

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