Chapter 9.

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Dear Dairy…
I swear I can be such an insomniac at times the time is 1.30am and my eyes are peeled.
  Anyway, I had a moment yesterday with Josh, so this is the stupid giddy feeling Kim talks about. I absolutely hate it! But it feels so good.
  I keep telling Kim and my friends I don’t want to go to the stupid school dance but who am I kidding if Josh asks me to go with him I’ll say yes without the slightest cloud of doubt.
I’m even willing to go dress shopping, ewwwww! I don’t even recognize myself anymore feels and school dances even writing it makes my skin crawl…..
  The school bell goes off to signal the end of school for the day. I’m headed to the school football pitch to meet Josh he texted me asking me to meet him there.
I get to the pitch and I spot Josh pacing back and forth, I watch him for a few seconds before heading towards him.
“ Hello!” I yell disturbing he’s chain of thoughts. I walk up to him.
“ Oh hi Kendall, I didn’t see you there.” He says.
“ Yes, I noticed.” I say smiling. “ So what brings me here?” I inquire. Gesturing my arms around the football pitch.
“ I asked you to come here didn’t I ?” Josh asks like he forgot.
“Yes, yes you did.” I respond holding back a laugh.
“Are you going to the dance with anyone?” he asks nervously. It’s so weird to see Josh nervous his always so confident.
“No I am not.” I respond smiling.
“ Kendall would you like to be my date to the  dance.” Josh asks politely.
I get lost in my mind for a few seconds before responding “ I’d love to.”
Josh smiles at me a smile I’ve grown find of and he escorts me to Kim’s car.
  I get up to the sound of my bedroom door opening I take a glance at it and it’s Kim.
“Hi.” I say wearing a confused facial expression, mainly because I just got up as well as wondering what she was doing in my room.
“Good Morning!” she responds a little too loudly.
“Why are you disturbing me this early on a Saturday?” I question her.
“ Because we need to get our chores done and pick up our dresses.” She answers cooly.
“Dresses?” I inquire “Oh… our dresses.” I groan covering my face with my pillow.
“Yep!” She laughs at the worried facial expression I make.
“Is it too late to back out now?” I ask her forthrightly.
“Yeah, let’s go kid.” She answers smiling calmly.

  Hey Readers, so sorry for the extremely slow updates I'm completely back at it now I promise so please stick around a& don't forget to Share, Vote & Comment.
  Also sorry for the short chapter.

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