clawd wolf

119 9 2

The Full-Moon dance was already bursting with life when Lucas arrived. Yuqi was three cups into the tequila punch Jaehyun brought and was already drunk enough to burn the checkered tablecloth on the food table. Lucas would have to drag her to a bathroom and hold her hair back before the night was over, but for now, his goal was Jungwoo.

The abandoned clearing was filled with different monsters drinking, talking, and grinding. He could see Donghyuck, in particular, making a scene in the center with Mark. It was almost rated R, and Lucas looked away with a gag. He did not need to see Mark pop a boner, ever. Ten was sitting (sitting? do ghosts really sit? Lucas wondered) on a tree branch, rapidly typing on his computer. Probably something for his blog. Lucas approached him and gently pulled on the branch, making it snap back and sending him tumbling. But he was a ghost. So, he just flew, as ghosts do.

"You fucker!" Ten cursed, as his very much non-ghostly laptop fell to the ground. The outer shell cracked in the middle like a chasm, and Lucas winced. Ten reached out to grab the collar of Lucas's shirt, but Lucas ducked down on the other side of the tree. Unfortunately for him, being a ghost had its perks, and Ten reached through the tree to seize him.

"Have I ever told you you're my favorite senior?" Lucas laughed, and Ten glared harder.

"Hey! Lucas!" A voice called, and Ten released him, beaming at the person approaching them. Jungwoo was wearing a navy blue blazer atop a tight black turtleneck that accentuated his small waist. A shiny gold chain hung from his neck and shone under the moonlight. It was nearing midnight, if the uncomfortable ache in Lucas' bones was accurate. The higher the moon rose in the starless sky, the more sensitive Lucas became.

He could smell the charred grass where Yuqi was barfing, hear someone in the woods, creeping along. It made his ears twitch, and Jungwoo cooed, reaching out to touch the soft fur. He could practically hear Jungwoo's nonexistent heartbeat, and that was his sign to join the others at the edge of the woods. Jungwoo and Ten followed him to where Jaehyun was waiting. Mark was nowhere to be seen, but Donghyuck gave him a boisterous wave from the crowd.

Lucas didn't have a clock, but he didn't need one when the students started counting down.

"Three!" They yelled, and Jungwoo grabbed Lucas's shoulders.

"Two!" Jungwoo smiled, and his fangs caught on his lip. Lucas could feel his extending to poke against his gums like a dull needle.

"One!" Jungwoo leaned in, and Lucas clumsily grabbed his blazer.

"Happy Full Moon!" Jungwoo kissed him, and Lucas tasted the blood on his tongue. It was addicting, and when Jungwoo pulled away, Lucas dove in for more. He pulled Jungwoo's body closer and slid his hands down to the curve of Jungwoo's waist, rubbing the pale skin that peeked out of his black jeans with his thumb.

He could have kissed him under the light of the full moon forever, but Jaehyun stopped him with a soft tap. "Lucas, we need to go," he said, and Lucas saw his tail twitching impatiently.

"Have fun!" Jungwoo beamed, flattening out Lucas's disheveled hair. Lucas didn't have the heart to tell him it would get messed up again.

In seconds, Lucas shifted, feeling the rough earth beneath his paws. His fur was a dark brown, similar to toffee, and speckled with hints of white. Lucas was slightly smaller than Jaehyun, who towered over most of the pack, but was just as intimidating. Intimidating meaning that the sight of him sent monsters running, or at least taking a few steps back. But Jungwoo didn't flinch at his size or the weird feeling of wolf tongue when Lucas licked his hand appreciatively.

Jaehyun nudged him again, harder, and Lucas took the hint. He was halfway through the first set of twisty tree roots when Jungwoo screamed his name. The vampire ran to him with a happy bounce that made Lucas giddy and crouched down to be eye-to-eye with him.

"I can't just leave you with the final goodbye, can I?" He giggled, softly kissing the spot between Lucas's ears. It was embarrassing how fast his tail was wagging, slapping against the tree trunk next to him. Staring into Jungwoo's pretty eyes, the forest was calm. His wolf was content beneath the full moon, and Lucas was content staring at the cute vampire that stole his heart. But the serenity crashed against the forest floor with Jungwoo's body, a silver bullet lodged into his abdomen.

The gunshot echoed between the trees, and Lucas's pack members came running back towards the sound. More gunshots and three wolves collapsed to the ground, whimpering. Some Monsters screamed and ran for shelter, and Lucas didn't blame them. Others, the bigger ones and friends of the wounded, ran to the treeline to help. Wolves healed faster than humans, but one look at Jungwoo told Lucas the bullet was silver, and unless it was removed, they would all bleed out.

Lucas heard Mark and Donghyuck before he saw them, Donghyuck crying the entire way to Jungwoo's unconscious body. Lucas hated that he couldn't shift back to help. He'd never hated his wolf before, and he physically felt the breach of trust between his human and wolf forms.

"It's okay, Lucas," Mark reassured him, applying pressure to the gaping wound. "We've got him."

When Lucas was sure that Jungwoo was in good hands (Donghyuck's were questionable, but Mark swooped in before he could do something dumb), he sprinted towards the hunters. They were desperately trying to mask the sound of their footsteps, but Lucas could hear them over everything.

He was fucking fuming.

The first guy, short and terrified, went down with a yelp when Lucas grabbed his pant leg between his teeth. The second hunter, a woman with fangs that glistened in the moonlight, shot at Lucas. She was scared, and her aim was terrible. With a howl, Lucas tore her throat out and spat it to the ground. It was harder to kill a vampire, but that seemed to get the job done as her eyes glazed over and her body went limp.

It made no sense. Sure, a vampire kills werewolves, that's normal. But Jungwoo wasn't a werewolf. Unless... she thought that he was because he was with Lucas. Death by association? Or maybe she suspected some sort of treason? That was odd. Jungwoo was Jungwoo, not Kitty Purry, not Dracula. Nobody batted an eyelash at his presence. So what would possibly make him a target for somebody, and a vampire at that?

Jungwoo was hiding something, and Lucas was going to find out what.


The Blood That Heals forum has been updated.

(1) New Post by Anonymous

About an hour ago, three werewolves and a vampire were attacked by hunters at the Full-Moon dance. Two of the wolves, senior Bang Chan and freshman Yang Jeongin, died of their injuries, a single silver bullet wound to the chest. Kim Jungwoo and Hwang Hyunjin are expected to recover.

It is confirmed by multiple sources that the hunters were a duo consisting of a male human and a female vampire.

Yes, you read that correctly; a vampire seriously injured another vampire tonight. Dracula has started a civil war within his own kind, and we are eagerly awaiting his next move. We will not allow his bigoted views to destroy our world and kill our monsters.

I told you all to be vigilant for fear of an attack. I stand by that statement, but I seem to have ignored my own warnings, and now I pay the price. Let us all treat this as a reminder: you are not safe. Do not become complacent expecting to be spared. We are nothing. Our friends are nothing to this wicked soul.

If they must die, let them not die in vain.



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monster high x nct [luwoo]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon