Chapter 11

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At the hype house

Dixie pov: At this point everyone is scared because we dont know if the people are going to come back to take the rest of the girls. I mean what would you kidnap a minor and a make up artist? We are all really trying to focus on finding the girls. The police arrived but they were late and they got away. We heard a car so we know they didn't go on foot. All I know is these people know how to use guns which isn't good. The police were just questioning us which wasn't helping one bit. We dont know anything at all. Nothing about the people or where charli and avani are. Then I rembered. Avani has a whole air tag in her shoe and they left their phones. I ran up the stairs getting weird looks of course but I didn't care. I needed to find my friend and sister. Once I found avani's phone I unlocked because I know my bff's password and tracked her location. They were 7 hours away.... still found them tho. But what would they do to them in that time. I'm trying to keep my thoughts straight but it's getting really hard too. But I know where they are so I'm tell everyone else. I screamed running down the staris "GUYS GUYS I KNOW WHERE THEY ARE" Everyone looked at me stupid. I showed them the phone and to prove it I clicked it and wherever it was it was start vibrating and if you found it you turn it off. When it stopped she obviously turned it off. We all got in police cars and drove as fast as we could over there.

Avani: Someone keept pressing the button the air tag vibrating in my shoe and everytime I had to turn it off. But that was my sign they were coming. I quietly told charli "They are coming to get us". "how do you know" she said. "they keep vibrating this air tag" I said in response. Her face was gleaming with joy until we heard the steps. We both snapped our heads around to see who was coming. Then came the 3 people but they had bought someone with them. They had gloves and a ski mask on too. He walked up to both of us and unhooked the handcuffs. Me and Charli both looked at each other in confusion but tried to not let it show.

I think im post another chap tonight but im at the airport rn so yuh. That's all for this chapter dont forget to vote and comment. BYE BITCHESSSSSSSS

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