Insufferable cow

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    "Luke coffee now or else I'll come behind the counter and get it myself"
I look over and there she is. Lorelai Gilmore, my best friend. She's aggravating sometimes, yea but she's always there for me.
" You know if you drink so much coffee you'll get an intolerance maybe I shouldn't."
"Aw Luke you care how sweet. Now give me my damn coffee before I go senile." I give in and pour it and then see Taylor Doose walk in.
"Taylor what the hell are you doing here." I say in an annoyed tone with a grimace.
"Luke I need to eat to you know." He says smugly.
"Yes but I would prefer if you would refrain, from coming into my diner."
"Now now that is not very welcoming."
"Ohh I wonder why... I DO NOT  LIKE YOU!"
I raise my voice and see all eyes on me. It's not unlike me to be unwelcoming to Taylor, as he is constant with his annoyances. I don't know how he became town selectman with an attitude like his.
"You know Luke I never understood why you hated me."
  "God Luke be nice." Lorelai hums in a sarcastic manner.
"I'm out of here"
I walk behind me and into my small apartment, it really was never meant to be an apartment. I see my nephew Jess as he walks into the room.
"What is this I thought you had school."
"Ah yes school. See ya later."
I hear footsteps up the stairs and turn to see Taylor coming up the stairs. I'm confused as he never has come up here.
"Luke I'm homeless, my roommate kicked me out and I have no place to stay."
"Wow I'm sorry that's tough" I stare into his eyes and feel an odd tingling sensation in my chest. It's love. I would have never thought.
He brings his eyes to my lips and then we kiss. A feeling of pure bliss surrounds my whole body. It slowly gets more and more passionate as we go. We take a break to breath and then our lips connect once more. He kisses my top lip, bottom lip and then both at once.
"Luke I'm in love with you." He says when he goes up for air.
"Good because me too"
Later that night we eloped.

Laylor danse 😏🤨😈Where stories live. Discover now