the fuck?🥐

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(Sakusa's POV)
Another dreadful day of 'socializing' and germs starts as I walk through the school gates, obviously I'm not a morning person. I go to my classes and get out my book that I had sanitized last night, setting it down on the desk I had wiped down before sitting. I read until the teacher walks in, starting their day with attendance then proceeding to the lesson.


Once all my classes were over for the day, I packed up my things and slung my book bag over my shoulder waiting for the crowd of students at the door to exit. Once they were all gone I checked the hallway to see if it was crowded but thankfully it wasn't. Avoiding small groups of people, I made it through the building and made my way to the gym for practice.

(Atsumu's POV)
After I changed I walked out of the locker room and into the gym, i sat next to osamu on the bench near the wall waiting for my omi. My boredom growing, I groan and throw my head back. "SAMUUU! Entertain me!!!!!" I whine and look at my startled twin.

"No, entertain yourself!" He got up and left me to go with suna. I got up and followed. Once we got over there and quieted from our bickering we saw an amused suna looking down at his phone. We looked at him like he was going crazy.

He noticed us looking at him and said "what." Osamu snatched his phone and looked at the picture of 2 guys from the basketball team, posing with basketballs in their jerseys. They were pretending to be girls and it was pretty funny. "Give me it back samu." My twin rolled his eyes,giving back the phone that suna treasured so much. My eyes lit up with an idea.

"SUNA! take a picture  of us like that! We will look way better than those two!"

"Don't rope me into this dumbass!" My ugly brother shouted.

"Well I'm only a dumbass because you are rubbing off on me!" I retorted, suna seemed to have thought it over.

"Alright. But I get to choose the poses." I of course agreed and osamu whined but I offered to get him onigiri after.

"Fineeee." Once he accepted we went to the bin that held the volleyballs and grabbed 2 each while suna got his camera ready.

I shoved them in my shirt and immediately started cracking up. "BWAHAHAHAHA!" I look at osamu, seeing him have them in his shirt too causing us to both crack up

"PFTHAHAHAHA IF THIS STRETCHES OUT MY SHIRT ITS YOUR FAULT AHAHA!" I nod and turn to suna, he just shakes his head with a small smile.

(Sakusa's POV)
While I'm changing I hear laughter and wonder what is happening. Once I'm done I put my stuff into my locker and close it, locking it back up.

(Atsumu's POV)
Once we are in position suna crouches in front of us and tells us to "try to make a sexy face" I pucker my lips and look up at the camera while osamu licks his top lip looking down at the camera. Suna smirks as he starts taking pictures from all angles, making us act like we are models. By this time, everyone is in the court and laughing their asses off at us.

We change up the position and I roll on my back and sit up, I rest my forearm on my knee that I propped up and prop up myself on my elbow behind me for support. Osamu lays the opposite way, his head resting on my leg that was on the floor, his back arched and legs propped up, his left hand up on his shoulder, his right arm at his side. We look to the right where suna is and I smirk, resting my head on my right shoulder and tilting it back, exposing my neck. Osamu keeps a straight face and looks at the camera in a lustful looking daze, suna doesn't hesitate and immediately began taking pictures. I saw something in my peripheral and see my omi staring at me in shock.

"Hey omi!" I get up and run over to him. Leaving behind the yelling osamu, since I let his head fall of the floor. "Oops... oh well!" I laugh and he just stares at me in shock.

(Sakusa's POV)
I walk in the gym and see everyone laughing. When I turn to see why, i find my stupid ass boyfriend posing as a horny girl for a picture that suna was taking. He looks my way and runs over, muttering something with a shrug by this time the roaring laughter died down. "I-... the fuck?" Everyone immediately starts cracking up, and I just stand there shocked wondering what I walked into.

Suna walks over to me and puts a hand on my shoulder, chuckling lightly. He smirks "I'll send you the pictures later." Then he leaves to go over to his boyfriend. I just stand there and watch the laughing hyenas in pure confusion.

Word count: 901

I don't know what this is. That all I have to say. Sorry I hadn't posted in a while my mental health was being super annoying and indecisive and couldn't choose weather I wanted to be depressed or not so... yeah. Ok that's all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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