A day with Razor

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You walk into wolvendom and meat a boy that looks all dirty and messy. You go talk to him because of your curiosity, you walk over to him and he turns around to see if your ok. While your asking stuff about him he tells you that he was raised by wolves and that he never really see's people come into wolvendom, Both of you hear howling, and Razor says goodbye and leaves with no trace behind. As you kept going deeper into Wolvendom you start hearing more howling and then you see Razor again but with an injured wolf beside him, he tells you to grab a wolfhook which is a plant in Wolvendom that can cover up wounds on wolves. He breaks the wolfhook into small parts and puts it on the wound of the injured wolf. You then ask him "what happened?" As he replied with "Different wolf pack". You go further in the woods with Razor until you find a good spot to go and rest. Razor suddenly starts going even deeper in the woods. You follow him and then he tells you that he wants to show you his lupical. You ask him "whats a lupical?" And Razor says "lupical is like family in wolf" then when you go to the location you hear a deep voice coming from the Fog. And you see bright blue eyes in the fog, scared, you pull out your sword and get in a fighting possition Razor also brings out his sword and starts getting in the same possition.When the fog cleared up you see a huge wolf, but it doesnt look like a normal one, it was white and blue and had blue flames coming out of its tail and ears. What you didnt know is that this wolf was a spirit and was kept here for centuries. When the fog came back you couldnt see the wolf, and you see a shadow from behind. A wolf about to pounce on you, then Razor saved you and told his lupical family to calm down, when the wolf finally calmed down he told his name and is was Andrius. When you said your goodbye's, you and Razor notice that both of you spent half of the day together, so you and Razor thought to keep spending time together until the end of the day. So you bring Razor to Mondstadt and he doesnt really feel comfortable in that kind of environment, so he stayed close to you most of the time. When both of you went to good hunter to grab a snack, you noticed that you didnt have enough money to buy a good snack for yourself. Razor noticed it and he began to make something for you, he made a Monstadt hashbrown but in the shape of a paw for you, you were suprised that he could make something decent. You thank him and eat together, once both of you were finished, you bumbed into Bennett, to your suprise Bennett and Razor know eachother pretty well, they were almost like brothers. When you had an adventure with Bennett you went back to Wolvendom with Razor, you noticed that it was already sunset and that you had to go soon. You grab wolfgooks with Razor and some other stuff while you were there, before you knew it, it was already night time. You told Razor that you had to go because it was getting late, you pet Razor in the head but you felt a pinch, it was a wolfhook, you removed it and said goodbye, but Razor didnt want you to go. He told you to stay and he made a small tent for you, you felt bad to leave him and also for the effort he put to make the tent, so you stayed, before you went to sleep, you sat beside Razor and star gazed for a while. You looked at him and you saw a smile, you smiled too and told Razor that you were going to bed then slept. The next morning he was gone but you saw a mondstadt hashbrown beside you, he made it for you as a thanks for spending the day with him. You went back ro Mondstadt with a smile in your face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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