chapter 14 "Life and death"

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"We have to keep her safe," I said not realizing what happened next would change everything. "Melanie look out!" Five yelled. It was like everything was moving in slow motion. But by the time I had turned around. I didn't know until I looked down to see the blood soaking up my shirt, that I had been shot. I looked up to see Cha cha standing there with her arm out in front of her, holding a gun. I gasped for air not knowing what to do. I slowly fell to the floor as Five held onto me in the tightest of grips. "No, no, no," he said with tears in his eyes. It was at that moment that I knew... that I was gonna die. I had no choice but to except it. I worked up the courage put a smile on my face as I looked up to Five.

"You're gonna be okay, okay?" He said to me with tears rolling down his cheeks. I smiled up at him before gently cupping his face in one of my hands. "Five, Five," I said to stop him from babbling on. He finally looked at me and I smiled at him with tears rolling down my face. "It's okay, it's gonna be okay," I told him. I could feel myself getting more tiered by the minute until I suddenly drifted off and all I saw was black.

3rd person.

Five let out a loud sob before looking over at Cha Cha with an angry expression. He wasn't feeling just angry, he was hurt. He was mad. But most of all he was in pain. He got up and walked over to Cha Cha. He then blinked in front of her before kicking her shin and taking her gun. He blinked behind her. The rest of the umbrella academy was either watching Five in silence or huddling over Melanie crying. Suddenly a loud BANG! filled the barn. They all looked over to where Five and Cha Cha were to see Cha Cha fall to the ground and Five standing behind her with the gun held out in his hands.

He blinked over to everyone and looked down at Melanie's lifeless body one more time before turning to Diego and Luther. "We need to get her back to the academy," he said in a very lifeless voice. "But, Five..." Luther said before getting cut off by Five. "Now!" Five shouted. Luther and Diego didn't say anything before Luther picked her up. Luther and Diego held on to Fives shoulders as Five looked back at everyone. "We'll be back soon, to end this once and for all," Five said before the three boys and an unconscious Melanie blinked to the umbrella academy. Luther laid her down on the medical table before they heard a little girl's voice from behind them.

"Mommy?" They turned back to see Bella. Bella walked closer to the three boys as Five started walking towards her. Five kneeled down to Bella's level and looked at her with a soft expression. "It's gonna be okay," Was all Five managed to put together in a sentence. "Is mommy gonna be okay?" It was Bella's sad and scared voice that was crushing Five on the inside. "I don't know," Five said as he took Bella's little hand in his. He looked back at Grace who was standing at the door watching them. "Why don't you go with gramma and go play," Five said, looking back at Bella. "Okay," Bella said not looking convinced at Five's answers.

Five stood up and watched as Bella walked over to Grace before the two left the room. "Hey, man are you okay?" Diego said as he came up from behind Five. "I will be as soon as we kill the commission once and for all, and stop them from coming back," Five said looking down at Melanie as he stopped showing any emotion. Luther and Diego grabbed onto Five before Five blinked them back to the others.

After a while of being in her room Bella was getting more and more worried about her mother by the minute. "Can I go and see mummy?" Bella asked Grace. "You heard your father, I can't let you go down there," Grace replied walking over to Bella before bending down to her level. "Please!" Bella said with her little puppy dog eyes. Grace couldn't handle it and gave in. "Alright, okay, but just for a few minutes," Grace told her before they got up off the ground. "Okay," Bella agreed before the two headed downstairs and into the medical room where Melanie was. "Mommy?" Bella said as she walked up to Melanie. "Momma," she said trying to shake Melanie awake. "Mommy?" Bella said as tears built up in her eyes. "I love you momma," Bella said before she gave Melanie a soft and genitalia kiss on her forehead.

"Come along Bella," Grace said with a warm smile that gave Bella comfort. Bella slowly walked over to Grace with her head held low. Suddenly a course of lightning pulsed through Melanie's veins. Her hands started glowing purple. Melanie's eyes opened glowing purple. Her eyes stopped glowing once she saw Bella. "Bell's" she called out in a weak voice. Bella turned around and her frown slowly turned into a huge and happy smile. "Mommy!" Bella shouted in excitement as ran over to her mother. Melanie sago up before Bella crashed her body into Melanie, giving her a big hug. When they pulled away Melanie looked down at Bella. "Hey, Bell's, where is daddy?" She asked her daughter. "He left with uncle Luther and uncle Diego," she said. "They looked sad," she added. "I have to go," Melanie said as she got up off of the medical table.

(Back to Melanie's p.o.v)

I left Bella with Grace and told her to take care of her. Once I got outside I felt so eager to get to Five. Suddenly My hands started glowing purple. It was like I knew exactly what to do in that moment. I could feel something happening in my eyes. I put my hands down beside me and suddenly I was lifted off of the ground. I then flew as fast as I could to where they were. I flew over the barn that they were in. The one where Bella was born. I looked around to see thousands, maybe even millions of agents from the commission surrounding the Barn. I looked down to see Five and Diego standing in front of the Handler with everybody else ducked behind the raggedy old wagons in front of the barn. I noticed that Klaus had seen me. I didn't care as I flew closer to the ground while getting closer to Five and Diego. They had turned around by now and were looking at me in shock. I landed on the ground and my eyes stopped glowing. I made my way over to them. "Mel?" Five questioned before We ran over to each other. We crashed our bodies into each other embracing each other in a big, warm, and tight hug.

He kissed me for a few seconds before pulling away and resting his forehead on mine. "I thought you were dead," he said. "Here I am.," I said before pulling away and looking at the Handler. Five followed my gaze over to her. We looked at each other before grabbing on to each other's hand. We walked over to the Handler and Diego. "This is your last chance to hand her over," she said as we walked up to her. I let go of Five's hand in anger. "No, this is your last chance!" I said as my eyes started glowing again, along with my eyes. 

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