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A father trying his best to make his daughter live a happy fulfilling life. A daughter who has her eyes set on many things but not her own life. A mother waiting for acceptance.

A boy who is considered a best friend and has hidden his feelings being scared of breaking that friendship.

A boy who learned nothing about family love and was bought up with the motive being strong and sacrificing his life by joining the army.  

A story about 3 life's tangling in love, pain, hurt and betrayal.

Life has not always been simple for Sanjana even though her dad always tried to make things easier, she was always stuck in her own world. She always had her dad by her side but she knew that he had priorities and she was never fully able to forgive him for marrying again. She felt her mother was replaceable. Sanju craved for more than an easy happy life, she wanted to be the best and fulfill every dream of her as well as of Arjit's.


Hello everyone,

Firstly I want to welcome all the new readers here and for the ones who already know me I am glad you guys are back.

I know I  took a really long break but I got busy with my education. Allhumdulliah now that I have completed my course, I guess I can find some time to write as I missed writing alot !!

I have finally posted the Prologue to the story. I know its not long but I just didn't want to give away the plot but just you all intrigued.

I am planning for weekly updates and motivation from you guys is highly recquired. The first part will be up on Monday.

Please like comment and share the story.

So stay tuned and stay safe.

Happy Reading ☺️

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