Just Your Typical Tuesday

36 2 5

Word Count: 1136

TW: Past major character d**th, mention of b*llying

Hi, I'm Roman. I'm dead. I don't mean dead inside, I mean dead dead, like physically, legally dead. I have an older brother, Remus. He moved away for college before the incident, so he's still alive and kicking... children who annoy him. It will never cease to amaze me how he isn't in prison yet. He's working on a range of edible deodorants with his "business partner", Janus.

You're probably wondering about the when and how. It was five years ago, an explosion caused by a gas leak. Ever since then I've developed a peaceful little routine.

I wake up each morning (yes I do sleep) and go for a walk in the nearby woods. People used to say that the woods are haunted, but I've never seen another ghost in all these years. Then I sit in the park, watching people going about their lives. It's nothing thrilling, just people walking their dogs or watching over their children on playdates. I wish I could join them. Then I'll go to the bakery and sometimes I'll be able to remember what it's like to taste things. I visit Mom and Dad for a couple of hours, catch them up on what I've picked up from conversations I've overheard: Jasmine Wilson's ongoing attempts at finding the perfect prom dress for example.

What? It's a small town, not a lot of noteworthy stuff goes on, don't judge me.

After that I'll go to the theatre and watch whatever's being shown there. Right now a local company is putting on a production of One Man, Two Guvnors.

Maybe I'll be able to participate this time.

Deep breaths. Focus. Walk forwards.

I go straight through him. Nothing more than a slight shiver to hint at my presence.

I enjoy the rest of the show anyway, even if it's not quite as funny after the fifteenth time watching it. Afterwards I go to the rec centre and do some laps in the pool. Although I don't get wet, it still takes energy from me.

I decide to pay Patton and Logan a visit. Patton's mom became friends with mine almost immediately when they moved here, so the two of us grew pretty close. He was like the little brother I never had. He didn't have the easiest of times at school due to how short he was and his glasses, so I continued to watch over him. Then he met Logan when they started high school. The two of them couldn't be more different, but because they were both lonely, they started hanging out with each other and quickly became the ultimate unlikely friends. I've watched along with everyone else as their relationship has developed over the past three years, and they seem to be the only ones oblivious to the true nature of it.

I'm watching them sitting on Logan's bed, doing stupid quizzes on the internet.

"Okay, question five. What area of science are you?"

"I am beneath this."

"Aww, come on Logan, please."

"It's completely nonsensical, how is what area of science I am, which doesn't even make sense in the first place, supposed to help this determine what my favourite pasta dish is?"

"That's the fun of it, it's not supposed to make sense. You know what, I'm just gonna put you down as geology..."

"I dread to ask."

"...because you rock!"

Logan tries to hide it, but I notice the little laugh.

"I hate dad jokes, so much. But you always manage to find a way to make them bearable."

"Oh my gosh! You two are adorable, just kiss already!"

I continue watching them until Logan's mother calls them down for dinner and I fly into the centre of town. There's a double bill at the movie theatre, A Quiet Place and the sequel. I'm awful with horror movies, ironic I know, but I figure that given how popular the first one was, even with Patton, I might as well give it a shot.

Three and a half hours later I come out of the theatre an absolute mess. I need to calm down before going back to the house, so I fly to the top of the bell tower and sit there, looking over the town that I used to call home.

All of the lights and sounds coming from the street below, the smells and tastes, the sensations of brushing past people, or feeling the floor beneath my feet, or the way it felt when I was holding something. I miss it all, so much.

I lie back on the roof and watch the night sky above me.


"Yes Roman?"

"What's that?"

"That's a shooting star."

"What's a shooting star?"

"It's a lump of rock and ice flying in space, it's traveled hundreds or thousands of years to get here, and that's given it magical powers."

"Wow. Are you magic?"

"No. I'm just normal. But one day you're going to be a part of something extraordinary, I can tell."

"How can you tell?"

"When you have children, there's some things you just know. Like how mommy always knows if you've actually cleaned your room or not."

"That's cool. And annoying."

"I have to agree with you there, it is very cool. She uses her mommy sense on me too sometimes, like when I forget to lock the door or take out the trash. So yes, it is annoying as well."

"I love you Daddy."

"I love you too, my brave little prince. Now go on, make a wish."

"I wish that I was human." I fly down to the ground and walk over to my parents. "I love you guys, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

When I get back to the house, I stop in front of the door. I put my hand out and it goes straight through. Something catches my eye before I go through though, the door is slightly ajar. There's someone in the house!

Oh wait, I forgot that it's Tuesday. It's the same every week, these jokers always come in to do a séance. I should thank them really, it allows me to have a bit of fun. But I'm not in too much of a playful mood tonight.

"Are there any spirits here with us tonight?"

I move the planchette to 'No'.

"Come on, play ball. Am I talking to Roman?"

I spell out 'Maybe'. That seems to really piss this guy off. I decide to play with him a bit more. I spell out his name. 'Titus'.

He freaks out and runs away after that, with the others promptly following suit.

I go upstairs and lie on the floor where my bed was. Well I say lie there, but what I really mean is hover just above the floor. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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