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As much as I instantly regretted doing stupid things that pushed me away from Fiona causing us to break up, kissing her wasn't one of them.

It was pure beauty. And I would do anything to make her mine forever. But I kept reminding myself that I fucked up so badly.

Fiona moaned against the kiss and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer, but I pushed her against the counter and grabbed her legs, wrapping them around my hip until she lifted on the cold tiles.

She moaned once again as I slowly drew my lips on her neck, attaching soft hickeys, placing my hand on her lower waist.

"Tyler." She uttered and begged me with her huge brown eyes. I continued and sucked onto her skin before the nude colours became visible. I smirked and shut her mouth from moaning, slamming my lips against hers. "Take me."

I widened the smirk. "No need to ask me twice," I replied and unbuckled my belt while Fiona was trying to peel off her panties and before I knew it, the door was opened click, making the both of us scurry as I buckled the belt while Fiona moved away from me as if nothing had just happened.

"Fucking cockblockers." I mumbled and Fiona laughed, sitting at one of the seats available.

Breathing rapidly, I looked over to her and pointed at her neck, reminding her about the hickeys, knowing that Fanny and Katie would take the hint and whine about everything. Fiona pursed her lips and covered the hickeys with her small hand.

"Hi, guys!" Katie said and outstretched her arms to Fiona. Fanny came and did the same while Jamie sent a smile and gave me a bro hug.

"Hey." He said and patted my back. I did the same and just gave a short nod as a 'hey'. I dragged my eyes to Fiona and intensely watched her while she still had her hand on her neck.

Jamie cleared his throat. "Can I ask something?" I nodded and he came close as if he was about to whisper to me. "Why haven't you told her yet?" He slapped me at the back of my neck and I glared at him, sassily.

I didn't want to actually tell him the full story. And when he reminded me about Fiona catching Valerie and I two months ago, I felt like crap.

"I didn't want to push her," I responded, truthfully. "I was nervous, Jamie. I didn't know what to say. You expected me to explain everything even though we've broken up two months ago?" I questioned him and ran a hand through my hair in frustration.

Jamie sighed. "Tyler, you need to tell her. You have to. Or else you're never gonna get Fiona back in your life." Once those words escaped his mouth, I immediately knew he was right.

I needed to stop being a lonely bitch and just explain everything from before. But it wasn't easy. It was never too easy. And I wasn't ready for her reaction. In my bones, I knew she regretted pushing me too far.


After spending long hours playing charades and having many different conversations.

I couldn't help but watch Fiona through her time, laughing, having a girl talk with the girls and especially, stare at me with her red cheeks. She was still a beautiful unique girl and I was very lucky to have her as mine.

"Yo!" I snapped the gaze and looked at Jamie, confused. "It's your turn," Jamie added as he gave me the phone. I hummed and stood up before placing the phone against my forehead.

Soon, the timer was on and my eyes were already hurting from switching, finding one of them doing the action. Jamie went first and signalled his two fingers to his mouth as if he was smoking a cigar.

"Weed!" I blurted out and Jamie quickly pointed his finger, smiling. I looked to the girls and they just scoffed. Meanwhile, Fiona looked like she regretted being with Fanny and Katie as a team.

"The fuck?" Fiona said under her breath and I chuckled, waiting for another action from Jamie. The timer went on and Jamie was impersonating someone familiar as he flexed his arms, making Katie clap her hands out loud.

I laughed. "Arnold Schwarzenegger." And the timer then went out.

Jamie nodded his head with a bright happy grin. "Thank you! We win!" Fiona rolled her eyes and took the phone, tapping on the screen.

"One more and we do a bet," Fiona smirked and looked at me, confidently. I raised my brow and narrowed my eyes at her as if what she was thinking.

Katie squealed. "Great idea! Ok, if Tyler and Jamie wins, they get to do something to us but if we win, we'll do the same." She instructed and Fiona nodded before placing the phone to her forehead.

Three seconds out, Fanny and Katie motioned an action that was on the phone screen and Fiona was left confused, glancing at the two with furrowed brows.

Until she snapped her fingers. "Puck bunny." I quickly frowned and snapped my head to Jamie who had the same reaction.

"What the fuck?" I said under my breath and let the girls have a moment with only fifty seconds left.

I raised my brow, trying to figure out how Fiona guessed that right. She continued on and got the answers four times in a row. With now ten seconds left on the timer and the girls were rushing until they thought and figured out one.

Katie motioned her hands into fists as she was doing on the ground and Fiona gasped, overthinking the word that came to her head.

"Hockey!" She exclaimed as soon as the timer went out and the girls screamed in excitement. Jamie grimaced and blocked his ears while I laughed with my lungs out.

"Why the hell were hockey there?" Jamie asked as he frowned and I shrugged my shoulders, softly chuckling. "Anyways, we still won. You were one off." He announced and smirked.

The girls groaned and instantly regretted making the bet before they remembered that Fiona planned it. They sat back down while Jamie and I were trying to figure out a bet.

Jamie snapped his fingers and smugly smirked, turning back to the girls. "Ok, it's simple." He nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders.

I slightly frowned and looked between Jamie and the girls in confusion. I didn't actually know what he was about to tell. But I just knew that it wasn't good.

"Since we won, you have to tell us where you got that hickey." Oh, shit.

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