Chapter One

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Shiho smiled at her little boy as he grasped the controls of the Panzer II, the little boy expertly shifting between gears on the private road. "Jiro, dear. Please do be careful." Her voice was firm, yet soft.

"Hai, Oka-san!" Little Jiro giggled as he floored the accelerator as the Panzer roared down the straightaway to the Nishizumi household...

*                                                                      *

A man in his late teens smiled before looking out of his modified turret of his Hellcat as he looked upon the battlefield. Multiple American and Russian tanks were disabled with his radio muffled as he observed the advancing Russians. "Alright, listen up! We represent the best that West Germany can offer! Now, Platoon Charlie, you will hold here and delay the Advancing Easterners! Platoons Echo and Kilo, you will follow Platoon Alpha to E4! We will set up a defensive line and use our superior gunnery and sniping skills to eliminate those GerComs!" A series of 'Jahowls' as Jiro, under the name of Michael Wittman, spoke to his crew. "Hans, please get us to E4 at best possible speed. Herr Fredric, load APCR. Frau Sofia, going to need your best shots in the next fifteen minutes." The three nodded as the M18 Hellcat roared towards a ridge, followed by several Shermans and Pershings.

After several minutes of positioning and looking over the map of the battle zone, Michael looked up as he noted the dying down of gunfire in the distance. "All units, prepare for bombardment!" Michael nodded to Sofia as he closed the hatch, using his view ports to keep an eye on his surroundings. "Enemy approaching from One O'clock! Open fire upon my command and cease fire on my command."

Several T-34/57s, SU-85s, and two KV-1s burst through the treeline before Michael smirked. "Feuer!" The West German line roared to life, APHE and APCR shells slamming around the East German line, with the SU-85s being knocked out in quick succession. "Concentrate on T-34s! Their mobility is going to be our biggest issue!" Michael's Hellcat roared as Sofia pulled the trigger, planting an APCR shell into one of the KV-1s. "Well placed, leiben."

Sofia only smirked before speaking firmly. "Fredric! APHE! Going for a T-34." "Jahowl!" Fredric nodded before lifting the shell and loading it into the breach, patting Sofia's shoulder. "Shell geladin!" "Danke..." Sofia smirked before pulling the trigger, sending the last T-34 out of action.

Michael smirked before lifting the hatch, relaxing slightly. "Hans, take us back." He picked up the radio before speaking into the frequency. "All units still active, return to base. And to all, good job!" Michael chuckled before a voice came through. "Well done on the victory. Herr Wittman, you are requested to come to the Headmaster's office ASAP." "Jahowl." Michael sighed before nodding to his crew, carefully adopting a face of neutrality.

*                                                                                    *

Jiro took a deep breath as he opened the Headmaster's office, walking in and closing the door. "Kommandant Michael Wittman reporting as ordered, Headmaster!" He stood at attention and saluted, looking at the man in front of him.

The man stood and saluted before the pair dropped their arms. "At ease, Herr Wittman. Though, let's speak in English for now." Jiro nodded as he took his seat across from the headmaster.

"Understood sir. What would you like to discuss, Master Steiner?" Michael inquired, a brow raised. The headmaster chuckled lightly before raising a hand. "Now, now, Mister Wittman, shall we drop the formalities and use your true identity?"

Jiro nodded, visibly relaxing from the pent up tension within his body. "Now, Mister Nishizumi, I understand that you have been away from your Mother and Family for over ten years since your last visit with your Mother. I believe there is an opportunity for you to see her again while serving in the school's interests."

The Nishizumi Heir hummed. "How so, sir?" "Jiro, call me Alex. But on to your question. The European Tankery Commission and Shensha-do Federation has agreed to an exchange program of select tankers and crews. The Commission will send select tankers and crews, and the Federation will take care of any and all expenses for the crews. Eagle Five, your crew, has been selected to represent the Stuttgart Academy at Kuromuromine, and it only awaits your approval."

Jiro thought for a moment in silence before popping the question on his mind. "I'll still have to use my cover name for the time being, don't I?" Alex chuckled and nodded. "But, we packed an extra set of uniforms for when you determine to come out as a Nishizumi. Do not worry, you will not lose any ranks or privileges within the Academy. Unless you transfer, of coarse."

Jiro nodded before smiling. "Danke, Herr Steiner. I will not fail!" Alex only smirked. "I know you won't. You will leave in two days. Inform your crew." Jiro stood and saluted crisply. "Jahowl, Headmaster!" Jiro left in a brisk walk before Alex sighed, leaning back in his chair. "German, yet using American Equipment... shame that we can't use Panthers..."

*                                        *

Jiro sighed as he opened up his laptop and looked over his contacts. One came up in his eyes as he made several clicking sounds on the keyboard. After a moment of dialing, the connection was established before Jiro spoke. "Hallo, Father. Is Mother in the room." "No, my son. I assume that you do not want her to hear what you are about to say."

Jiro chuckled lightly before nodding. "I'm going to make it quick. Stuttgart is sending my crew and me to Kuro, along with our M18. While I understand that we use American equipment, but don't be surprised. We need to field a larger armored force to handle our rivals. And Panthers are not exactly cheep to maintain."

Mister Nishizumi chuckled. "I completely understand. When do you leave?" "First thing in the morning in two days. The flight in the cargo plane will take a full day at most. We should arrive by nightfall, my time."

Jiro smiled before grinning. "And... we get to exit via a low drop. Our suspension has been cleared for it." "Quite the entrance. Very well. I'll inform your mother of the arrival, but not who for confidentiality." "Thank you. Get a good night's sleep, Father." The pair bowed before the connection was severed.

Jiro sighed as he laid down on the bed, closing his eyes in thought. To think... to return home... under a false name... Damn, it's been too long. Mother, Maho, Miho, hope you are ready. We are about to have some fun!"

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