pretty lady

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"God dammit! i knew it was a bad idea" Izuku never was a popular guy, that's probably obvious by now, he was always bullied for being short, and for his unnatural hair color, mainly for his strange addiction with cartoon super heroes and supernatural things... You can say he is a total nerd.

Well, and he sure isn't know by his luck, he is basically Murphy's law itself! Everything goes wrong for him, he is sure he's whole existence is a failure,but look! What a surprise! It seem that in the first time in his whole lifetime he has luck!

Okay... he got lost in the forest running away from bullies but it gets better i promise!

"Stupid Kacchan, stupid lackey's, stupid school, stupid forest, stupid life! Just great! I'm lost, and it's raining just to make my life even harder! Could my day get any better?" He mumbled to himself annoyed with his sittuation, he's too deep in the Forest to find his way back now.

Sudenly, he hear a beat... just a beat? No, a song? Yeah, That's it! And where theres song, there's people! He followed the sound, he couldn't reconize the song but it looks like it's was just starting.

Wait, is that water? No not the rain, it sound like a water fall, there's water falls here!? He walked a little more, finally seeing the source of both sounds.

Is that a girl!?

She was dancing, her music box covered with a leather jacket, she onlu wore a black-red dress who fall on her knees (he thinks, it's not like he can tell exactly with it flying around when she spins and twirls around the field, but it looks long enough) not using anything to block the rain, she looks so peaceful...

"Fairy" was the only thing midoriya could say with stars on his eyes, is she really a fairy!? She looks like a fairy! No human can be as near as pretty as she is right?

Her skin was pale, she had purple short hair who was tied in a mini ponytail, she didn't wear any shoes, she seem to like the feeling of the grass on her feet.

Midoriya really wants to approach her, she seem so precious and delicate that makes him want to touch her and protect her forever, but it would be a crime worth of execution to interrupt her in a moment so Beatiful like this.

Her movements were smooth and painful at the same time, every single motion is like a plea for help, did something happend to her? He could hear her singing quietly, and her voice sounds like heaven, wait is he dead? Did he fall somewhere back there and hit his head? That can't be it, be it... right?

He didn't even realize that the song ended, she just kept standing there looking at her feet, like she's trying to figure out something.

"Your muttering is too loud" she said, Midoriya froze.

wait what?


"Fairy? What are you talking about?" The girl finally looked at him, midoriya would probably be pining over the pretty stranger, if he wasn't feeling so embarrassed rigth now.

"... i said that out loud?" He whispered, the girl laughed, oh wow her voice is really pretty, almost made me forget how I called her a fairy... why God hates me?

"Well, unless i, for some miracle by the Gods, gained the power to read minds. yes ya did, Greenie" She (for some unknown reason for Midoriya) decided to approach him, and oh no she's even prettier close by.

"by the way, to what i owe the honor of your visit today? Y'know, if a girl decides to dance in the middle of nowhere alone in the middle of the rain, if probably means she doesn't want to be spied on." She taunted, Midoriyas cheeks grew hotter and hotter every second while his heart's doki doki loud banged on his own ears, cursing him for being such a wreck and not being able to say a decent word to that... very, very pretty girl, oh no can she hear his heart making doki doki?

"Your dance looked sad, is everything okay?" Way to go izuku he mentally facepalmed himself, really!? The first thing you do when you see a pretty girl is spy on her, and then you just decided that it's probably a good idea to pry onto her personal life!? Congratulations fucking genius! Now she hates you!

"... I'm surprised you noticed"

Or not

"Huh?" He hadn't been paying attention to her expressions before she said it, he couldn't focus on his mini panic attack and her face, even if he wishes he coul d have seem it, that made him wonder, how did she react when he said that? Her expression looks neutral now, man that sucks!

"It's Just some personal issues at school, Y'know? Bullies and stuff" She said quietly, almost a whisper, the information made izuku's eyes widen

"You get bullied too!?" How come? You're so pretty and talented! Were left unsaid

"You do too? Why?" She asked, looking genuinely curious, she leaned her head to the side, now looking more closely, he could see face perfectly now, she had obvious Asian Traits, (well, Duh! We're in Japan, stupid Izuku) her eyes Black, it reminded him of that Onyx stone, she's wearing little-to-no make up, maximum a eyeliner and gloss, her lis where thin and her face is mostly clean if it wasn't for the little birthmark in triangle form under her eye, she had a resting bored expression, wich us very attractive... or maybe he's just crushing on her, Y'know, Train and coffeshops type of crushes... he hopes.

"Well, yeah! I'm not very attractive as you can see, and I'm kind of a nerd" he chuckled awkwardly as the girl smiled

"I think you're pretty cute" Wait, did his brain just bugged just now?

"What?" He asked

"I said, if that part of the "nerd" thing has something to do with you calling me fairy" wait, so it did... awn damn, wait a minute

"Please let's not mention that ever again" he tried to hide his blushing face with his hands, the girl giggled at that

"I'm Kyoka jirou by the way, figured you probably wanted my name"

"O-oh, Yeah! I am izuku, izuku Midoriya"

"Nice to meet you, midoriya"

"Hah... Nice to meet you Jirou-san"

This was supposed to be longer, that's why I will definitely make a sequel, also, the reason why izuku simps so much for kyoka is because I simp for her and I think she deserves some admiration, and not be labeled as "the girl without boobs" like most of you do.

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