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Author's note:
Hello everyone! I am absolutely in love with this chapter. It is a little bit different than other TWD fanfics but, not to pat myself on the back, I think it is great and I am so proud of it. Please let me know how you feel about this!!!

Word count: 2,570
"Virginia Real Estate, how can I help you?" I answered, picking up the phone. A curly lead connected the phone to a dial pad which was chunky and black, it had a faded yellow smiley face sticker stuck on the corner.

"Yes, ma'am, of course. For what time would you like to book the viewing?" I said in response to the woman's request with an overly enthusiastic corporate voice. The woman's voice unfortunately had an awful nasal tinge to it making every word she spoke sting into my ears like forks on a plate, she must have been a relatively elderly woman perhaps in her late sixties and with a lot of money based on the home she was booking to view. Maybe she had been searching for a home to live out a quiet retirement but that was none of my business, anyway.

"Certainly, ma'am. That's all booked for you," I continued, my voice as cheerful and fake as ever, "have a nice day, now. Bye!" I finished, placing the phone back down onto the chunky base and as I put it back it made a gentle click noise which I always found satisfying at the end of a call. A sigh of relief escaped from my mouth and I threw my back up against my red office chair, tilting my head back as I closed my eyes for a moment; it was short lived however as I had to get back to work, as unfortunately the bills weren't known for paying themselves.

My eyes glanced over at the clock which was situated above an open entryway which led to the staff room and toilets, the clock read eleven - not long until lunch now. The clock was relatively small and also had the date displayed beneath the hands in big, bold red writing which contrasted poorly against the white back making it incredibly hard to read from a distance; all I needed to remember is that it was Friday and to my relief I didn't have to work again until Monday.

My fingers clicked and clacked on my keyboard as I typed away figures onto an Excel spreadsheet, mind you I had no idea what any of these figures meant but there were people who did, therefore I had to do it. I hadn't been working here long, perhaps six months, I was already more knowledgeable than most of my soulless colleagues that had been here for years and this was my first proper job really; unless you count dog-walking as a proper job.

The phone rang again but this time there was a gentleman on the other end, he sounded fairly young but he wasn't from the South; you can tell a lot about a person just from their voice. I wondered what people could tell from my voice, they could probably tell that my over enthusiastic work voice was a facade and that I was incredibly overworked - both statements being true, of course. Once I was done with the call I placed the phone down and it made that same satisfying click. It was finally time for my lunch break, the last hour certainly had dragged on a bit too much for my liking.

I saw someone begin to approach me in the corner of my eye just as I was about to get out of my chair and bust out of this joint for an hour or so, it was my boss. Fuck, please don't give me more work, I thought to myself. Instead, he came over and rested his hands on my desk with a grin riddled across his face.

"(Y/N)!" He said with a joyful tone about him.

"Simon." I replied not as enthusiastically, smiling slightly to show politeness towards my superior.

Simon was my boss, he was a just as tall of a man then and he was devilishly good looking. He was young when we met but nonetheless older than me, nearing his mid thirties - he had short brown hair which was starting to recede which matched with his dark wood coloured eyes and stubble which speckled his angular jaw. I could tell a lot from his voice too, he was a confident man, someone who knew what he wanted and knew he could get it. Perhaps that's what made me find him incredibly attractive, or maybe it's what made him insufferable to be around.

Negan x Reader x Simon: "What He Did."Where stories live. Discover now