Untitled Part 1

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My name is Eliane Wood and I was ten years old when one small incident changed my life forever. It involved my best friend Alayna Mills, her mother Clara and a stretch of lonely highway. This is the story of my very first spanking.

We were ten years old, Alayna and I, sharing everything from clothes, jewelry to music and secrets. Though there is nothing forbidden between us, I never thought that our weekend together at the Jamboree would cement our friendship in the most unusual of ways.

It happened on a friday evening sometime in June, on a long windy back roads of Ontario. Alayna and I are girl scouts on our way to our second Jamboree in some secluded area that could accommodate near a thousand other scouts from the entire region.

Alayna's mom, Clara, is a kind, caring, and generally nice mom. She always brought little homemade treats at every scout meeting, and volunteered her time for every bake sale, spent much of her time organizing different events. Even when I slept over, which was a weekly thing, she proved to be a cool and fun mom. So it was a shocked when I saw her strict side.

The jamboree this year was in the same location as last, a beautiful place with plenty of fields to house the massive amount of kids and parents that attended the event. What was really interesting was the fact that the area had two awesome features, a large evergreen forest and a lake with a river running through it. The forest boasted a host of hiking trails and the lake had two nice beaches. Myself I was really looking forward to the canoe trip. Besides the seats being a little hard, it was always fun to cool off with a swim at the end of the trip.

To get to the location for the weekend excursion, a group of parents from the same troup, formed a caravan of sorts. The lead car was the Scout leader, Amanda, with her daughter Sarah. Alayna and I were bringing up the rear with her parents. Her father, Greg, was using his truck leaden with tents, tarps, ropes, sleeping bags and other needful things for the weekend. He was riding just ahead of us. The other scouts were spread about in four other vehicles between Amanda and Clara.

Alayna and I were sitting in the back seat of her mother's blue minivan, with camping materials separating us from her mother. The ride was long and boring, so we had to make our own fun. With an awesome weekend ahead of us, it's needless to say we were a tad over excited. I don't think that helped us to stay out of trouble.

The parental caravan left at four PM from the local school where we attended our meetings. The total trip would take four hours including the stop at the half way point where a local Tim Hortons and souvenir store which boasted an AMAZING ice cream fudge shop.

After having met up with all the other girls at the sugar shop, as we called it, Alayna and I were extatic as we choose our treats for the weekend. Well I don't have to tell you that when we departed on the second leg of the trip, we were filled up with several donuts, a bunch of fudge and a large ice cream in a wafer cone. Clara's homemade sandwiches were left largely untouched.

On the road, Alayna and I were being even more boisterous, or wired might be a better description. After the influx of sugar that we just had, it would have taken the boogeyman himself to show up to quiet us down. The sugar high was all consuming. Laughing loudly, we disregarded Clara's 'quiet downs' in favour of gossiping about which boy in school was the 'perfect' boy.

Well my first hint that Clara wasn't all smiles and kindness, came ten minutes after we left the sugar farm of the souvenir store.

"Will you two STOP IT!" she ordered from the drivers seat, glaring back through the rear view mirror. I remember thinking that she looked more upset then when we were teasing their dog Patches with treats. She had us sitting on chairs for ten minutes for that one. "We still have two hours of driving ahead of us and I will not have you acting like two lunatics all the way there. Settle down or so help me, I will stop this van and you two will be sorry. Do you understand me?" Her voice was almost angry, with a wolfish growl of annoyance in it, which had an immediate effect.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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