Chapter 11: The Happening

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It came. It did and it couldn't be stopped. The Happening happened with a boom. A boom so scary that people fear its name.

Wednesday April 7th, a beautiful spring day, people were in class throughout the building. Hermione at the moment was teaching advanced Charms for 3rd years. She was teaching them to do the Seize and Pull Charm.
"Now I will point this at pillar over there okay?" Followed by nods of agreement.
"Carpe Reeeetractum!"
Hermione jumped.
"Ms. Weasley what did you do?"
"I don't know run!"
The walls started to crumble and classes started to dismiss abruptly. Screams and shouts came from every corner of the building as every student came pouring into the Great Hall and out of the wooden doors. The castle started to crumble as screaming students rushed out of the building. Out of the crumbling ashes came a wind. The wind was black swept everyone like cutting ice. The wind spiraled upward and all of a sudden the dark mark was up in the air and-. Hermione woke up from her dream sweating. It was 5:00 o clock in the morning and Ron was sleeping next to her. She was so relieved that it was a dream that she kissed Rons forehead and got up out of bed to get ready. Today was actually April 7th 2021. It was like déjà vu when Hermione walked up to 7th floor corridor to teach 3rd years advanced charms. When she got inside, waiting for her students, she checked her written lesson plan. Sure enough on her lesson plan, written in cursive, was the words : Seize and Pull spell.
If Hermione was worried about what happened in her dream, she didn't show any signs because she was too caught up in getting her students into the classroom. The group was chatty today and she had trouble quieting them down.
"Hi class. Quiet. QUIET! I shouldn't have to say it twice! Oh well. Today we are going to learn about the seize and pull spell with the incantation Carpe Retractum!" All of a sudden a cold wind struck Hermione enough for her to fall over. The children had started to scream as they had been struck too. Hermione was pinned to the ground struggling to fight the force. Where was her wand? Then she saw it lying on the desk. She tried to reach for it but the wind swept it away. At that moment, the wind went to go find another student to terrorize. People from other classes tried to help but the wind was still blocking them out. Hermione tried to remember why that thing would be here until she remembered the dust. The last dust of what Voldemort's ever was. Whatever it was it was trying tinder the dust and revive Voldemort. She thought the situation over. If she crawled towards her desk the thing would know where it was. The best thing to do would be to use the basilisk fang to kill the wind but that of course was in the same drawer as the dust. So Hermione went with it. She ran to the desk and grabbed her basilisk fang but made a big mistake. She left the door open. So as Hermione was fighting the wind and other students got out, it spotted the dust and grabbed it. Hermione didn't realize what was happening until the wind flew out the door followed by screams from the students. Hermione's head was full of thoughts. The first thought was that try could revive Voldemort, the second thought was to run after the wind and the third thought was to save the students. She decided to run after the wind. With fang in hand she ran down the hallway wiping sweat and dust from her forehead. She sat on the banister and slid down after the wind.

Outside, the wind was heading to a class of 1st years in an Herbology class. It happened before they knew. The wind grabbed a mandrake and flew towards the forest. All it has to do is feed the mandrake the ashes and Voldemort will be alive again. Hermione ran after it, exhausted but determined. Just as it started to put the dust in the mouth of the crying mandrake, Hermione flung the fang at the wind straight into where it's heart would be. The wind faded away but it accidentally dropped the rest of the dust into the mandrakes mouth. The wind disappeared but then there was boom and the mandrake started growing. The dark mark appeared in the sky and everyone came rushing out. The mandrake lost its leaves and took an almost human form. She heard Ginny and Harry cry out with pain. Voldemort was back.
So really short for what I usually write but that's, okay! (See my Stuart Smalley reference (; ) but anyway, I know this came out of the blue but I needed some kind of plot. Thanks! ~ Hermione, Harry Potter Mania.

Hermione Granger: Life as a Weasley (Watty's2015)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz