Chapter Two:

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Is this heartbreak or the beginning of a love story?🥺

How could I choose? One Direction or BTS?! I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I know what it feels like to be hurt by someone.
When I was one minute old my dad made me choose which parent to live with- the reason they were on the boat was for a divorce. The rest of the family was there to celebrate but ended up dying. The boat crash was the most heartbreaking part. A donkey had been yeeted across the ocean by a hippo into our boat it caused a hole in the side of our ship and everyone sunk like the Titanic. I only managed to survive because I rode the donkey across the ocean to safety. (Story for the hartbrockening background sorry but it's crucial for the story! 🥺🥺)
Why was I thinking of my family's death, I don't focus on the last. I'm super quirky and different an not like other girls.
"Get your head out of the clouds, Y/n. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift. That is why they call it the present" I mumble cutely to myself.

Suddenly it starts raining, and everyone's looking at me to pick who I will go with.
I ended up falling off the roof, it was too slippery. I fell over 200 feet. It was tragic. I heard the members of BTS and One Direction call out for me:
"Y/NNNN!" They all scream.
Before I hit the ground Draco Malfoy the school bad boy runs to catch me. But instead I'm floating. I grew beautiful amazing fairy wings! They looked so pretty against my pale skin. I gently flew down to safety.
"D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-draco? Y-y-y-yo-o-u were going to save an extra like m-m-m-e-eee?" I look up at him with sad puppy dog eyes. My wings sparkling ferociously.
"Shut the fuck up." he tells me in that deep sexy voice of his.
I immediately nod.
I was about to say something when two hands grab my and pull me into the black van that snuck up on everyone. I was being kidnapped!
I screamed cutely and yelled for someone to save me but we were already 4,000 miles away from the school. I released I didn't know I was holding. The kidnappers put a bag over my head so I won't be able to see.
After what felt like hours the bag was pulled off my head roughly and I was met with two purple grey green blue yellow white red link electric ocean orbs and a brick wall for a body.
"Hey my name is Aaron and I'm the mafia boss. You're mine now" says a handsome voice. He then starts growling and barking like an alpha.
What a crazy day. What am I going to do?

(AN//: sorry about the late update, I meant to update sooner but had to have a funeral for my hamster. We had him for dinner since my brother was bored. I'll try to update sooner next time. 😁😁 🙌 Chapters kind of short because Jeremy asked me to the winter ball.  😍😍 have to get ready! Wish me luck and let me know what you think! Stay positive 🥰🥰😘😘😘)

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