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"Wake up miss _____!!"someone shouted.

You opened your eyes and all you saw was huge glasses,because you are cloisterphobic, you jumped back,succeding in hitting your head on the headboard.

You get dressed and go to meet the others.

After you do,Sebastian's voice is in your head again.
"'Its time to get to work."'

You go to the door,sebastian thinking your working in the garden.Once you get out,you run as fast and far as you can,you had a strange feeling,it must be freedom.

You run to the woods( ŋøŧ şmąŗŧ) and trip.You close your eyes,waiting for the ground to hit you.Instead hands grab you.

It was certainly not a loving or gentle imbrace,they held you by your shoulders from behind.

A small tree branch twacked you in the,face,then sent your hat flying.

You heard a small gasp and turned your head around(ýøų ªŗę şŧıłŀ ıŋ şºmęºŋęş ġřªšp)and see a blond haired boy,also about you age,behind a man wearing a butlers outfit.The man let you go.You saw the boy staring at your head,at first you were puzzled but then you remembered your ears.

You blushed at the way he was looking at you.

" th-thank you for helping me"you said

You saw the boy staring at his butler,then motioning for him to come.because of your exeptional hearing,you heard exactly what he whispered in his butlers ear.

"Claude,I want her"

Your eyes widend in shock but you stood there,frozen by the fear in you(ĥªĥª,şĥąŧŧęŗ mę şøņġ ŗęféřăņċę).you tried to move,but before you could the blond boy spoke up."Im Alois Trancy,this,"he points to his butler"is Claude".(śóúńďś áĺóť ĺíĸé ýóúŕ mééťíńģ ŵíťĥ Ćéíĺ)

You look down in seeing how close he is to you.

You realize what hes that.......BOOTY SHORTS!!!!!!

You had to hold back from laughing,and covered it up with a shiver.Alois saw this and gave you his coat(ı đðŋŧ ĸŋºŵ ŵĥªŧ ţº čªłŀ ıŧ).you tried to give it back but he insisted.

You look up at the moon and see that its not quite full,sort of chipped looking.(ąŋøŧhęŗ ŗęfêŗąŋçę)

"Beutifull" you whispered.

"Not as beutifull as you" you heared Alois say under his breath.he did not know you heard his statement.

You were taken aback at that his words.

Of course it started a neko,you hated rain with a blood curdling passion.

Alois saw this and invited you into his home for until the storm passes,you did not want to be in yhe rain,so you accepted.

=~=~=~=łę ţįmę şķıp(from a cute kitten like yourself)

Alois's home was amazing.

As soon as you walked in you saw three boys with purple hair,a woman with an eyepatch and white hair,and an amazing manor.

Alois intriduced you to Timber, Thompson,and Cantleberry.(i dont know if thats their real names ok,or how to spell it,dont judge.!)

After that he told Hanna to stay away from you.

Alois thought long and hard and decided to let the triplets help get you dressed.

You were too tired to fight him,so you let it happen.

They were whipering all the way down the halls.

Timber had a mischivious look,Thompson had a doubtfull one,and Cantleberry had a mix of emotions,somewhere between shock and rage.

{Cantleberry's POV}

Of course she was pretty,but Master Alois would kill us.ugh...why does he have to steal all of our fun!!

Why would Timber even think that we could get away with it.

{Timber's POV}

Wow..___ is hot!

Thompson doesnt know if we should or not, but i say go for it.

"____ has that cute puppy dog eye look naturaly.

Speaking of pets,are those kitty ears real??

Ohhh,she might be a neko girl.

Wheres her tail??"

I let my mind wander as i asked Thompson and Cantleberry questions.

That girl: Neko(black butler×reader)Where stories live. Discover now