hi besties

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Hi there besties (i refer to almost everyone as besties so now you have to deal with being my friend)

Name: a lot of people just call me by momiji bc of my user but my nickname is bella or bell

Age: 16

Pronouns: she/her but i have a lot of friends that go by they/them and they refer to me by she/they so if you end up referring to me as they/ them thats ok too

Uhhh im from the US (Fl) and i dont have many friends so that why i wanna get to know people more and make new friends

I seem pretty clingy sometimes so im sorry for that i just have a wacky personality

Likes: anime, music, art, poetry, and trying to get over my mental health issues

Dislikes: racists, assholes, my dad, fake people, and anyone that spreads hate or mean shit

Feel free to pm me if you want :3

I also support lgbtq+ and I will not tolerate any hate, racism, bullying, etc. Everyone is welcome on my account as long as you aren't looking to start drama or hate of any kind

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