Chapter 5 ~

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Jordan POV

Great. Just great. I called him my friend. Friend. Why can't I just tell him. He knows about me. I really hope this trip with him will change things about "us", but what ever happens, happens right?

I need to focus on my Goddess Ianite before I start anything with anyone. This trip with help me, I know it.

"Sparklez, you ready?" I heard Tom ask in team speak

"Yeah brah." hopefully I can cover up by acting like the normal Jordan.

"Alrighty dude, meet me at the portal by wag's in five." Tom sounded excited.

"Okie." Was all I said before I muted myself.

Alright so I need to get my tools before I head over to wagglington's. What would I need. I have the map, Bow of Balance, fIanite, apples, and a few other things. I think I'm set.

Toms POV

I have all I need. Alright let's go. I don't under stand why I'm so hyped about this trip. Maybe it the fact that me and Sparklez will have alone time to catch up and talk.

I notice Jordan already at the portal. He didn't waste no time. Does he- does he like me? Nah he's way higher class and I'm pretty sure he's into chicks.

"You ready?" I ask as I approach him.

"Yeah dude. So hyped- fighting the bosses and all."

"Yeah." Even though he can't see me, I get embarrassed because of my blushing. Why am I blushing?!? "Alright let's go." I finish.

Jordan's POV

Well Tom and I alone fighting together. This should be fun with all the god stuff. Not to mention we always fought. Should I have come on this trip?

"Dude isn't their an ice queen we can fight?" Tom asked.

"Yeah it somewhere this way" I made my way to the large battle tour with Tom following, "in here somewhere."

"Let's go then!" He rushed in.

After exploring the towers and fighting the mobs protecting the queen, I noticed Tom and I bonding. It's weird how I feel about him. From the first day introduced himself to now, he is different than the others. In need of help? I went to him first. Didn't have supplies? I went to him first. I always go to him before anyone else. Before I chose peace, I was close of choosing war.

"There she is!" Tom shouted into his mic.

"Alright! Let's go!" I didn't hesitate.

Toms POV

We killed her! The queen is down and we are still intact.

"Yeah! We are good as a team." I told Jordan as I went to the opening I blasted with my magic.

"Go syndisparklez!" Jordan cheered.

"Yeah!" I said hesitantly trying to take it as a joke. He had to pull this one out, didn't he? He knows syndisparklez is for a fans use not ours.

"We should go adventuring more often," He said full of adrenalin, "We work good as a team."

"We always do."

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