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"Happy birth day to you! Happy birthday to you happy birthday Jimmy happy birthday to you!" All of his family members sing

Mom: blow out your candles!


*woo* everyone cheers and jim sits there and and feels more happy then he has in a long time

So what did you wish for probably not to have to wear white ever again? His dad says

To get a good color I guess. jim says

Oh you wont need to wish for that silly you'll obviously get a good color. mom said

Shes right your such a talented and well mannered young man! His uncal said

Jim: oh stop it. It's not even that big a deal

Dad: actually it is son please take the test seriously *whispers* we talked about this.

Yeah dad I know. Jim said

Ok who's ready to get cake! Mom said excitedly

*after all Jim's family and friends leave. Jim went up to his room to get some sleep but befor he can he gets a knock on the door*

(Knock knock) hey son can I come in? Dad said

Y....yeah sure he said sluggishly

*the door creaks open and Jim's dad walks over and sits on the bed*

Tomorrow is your big excited? Dad said nervously

Yeah I guess ha ha who knows mabey I'll get purple like you or yellow like mom. Jim says unsurely

You know what i told you to do right? Walk in there all calm and lie but dont make it so ov...

Dad I know you've been telling me too lie sense I turned 15...... jim says

I.....its not like that I just want what's best for you and your future. dad says

If I am so well mannered and good like you and uncal have said why do I have to lie? Jim says aggressively

You better tone it down son!

..........ok fine sorry dad its just you know I dont like talking about it....jim says quietly

*they sit in silence for 10 mins and finally the dad speaks up*

I know'll do great no matter what

Thanks dad. Jim says

I love you son. Dad says

I love you too jim says as they give echother and hug and say goodnight

               *the next day*
*jim gets into the bright yellow car with his mom and dad and after a short drive they get to the building where jim whill be taking his test*

* all of them walk into the super tall and super long building painted all sorts of colors on the out side. But when they take a step in the whole atmosphere changes. It's now black with gray flooring and a little bit of white mark ways to go. There was one person at the front desk who greeted them*

Hello there is the child 16? The lady at the front asks

Dad: yep he is and I see your a blue I used to have a b....

I dont care come with me boy to the room. She says cutting off the father

Oh...ok well go oh honey we love you! Jim's mom says

Love yall too!. Jim says

*as they walk for what seems like forever passing by countless people taking there tests in a sound proof room they get to a empty one*

Sit down. She says sternly

Ok geez. Jim says takeing a seat

*as the girl in blue opens up her large back pack jim looks around not that theres much to look at the room is completely gray with a black table and chair and a number 2 pencil on the table. And a light hanging from above.*

*Slams* here's your test you have 3 hours to complete it please read through it carfully. and make the best choice that blah blab blah. She says as they walk out the door and slams it

Ok then......well befor I start I should look at the rules list

*please read and follow all of these requirements and then get started as truthfull and honest as possible if not true full and honest you will be put in jail for a maximum of 50 days then retake said test.
2.fill in all boxes completely shade them in
3. Do not try to leave while in the middle of the test
4.what ever color you get when you turn In the paper will be your color for the rest of your life and will be put in the data center
5. Turn in test when completed if you do not complete befor the time limit throw away the packit and get a brand new one with different questions


Ok the seems interesting....
...I wont lie I'm going to stay true to my self no matter what! Jim says

*after a long and exhausting and migraine induced test jim after 2 hours and 46 mins turns in his test to the front office and gets his results back*

Jim: what did I get on my test....what color am I? He says excitingly

Lady: black

Huh............jim says

*Jim's heart at the sound of the word black made it race and his world was completely shattered*

Yep lady said uncaring

This is a mistake t...try it again!

Its mandatory that we do it at least 10 times and all times it says b.l.a.c.k. she says

Jim drops to the floor on the brink of tears thinking what his he ganna do what's he ganna say to his mom and dad?!?

Here the go kid enjoy your new life she says as she hands him a par of solid black clothing you cant leave unless you put this on so hurry up

*about 15 more mins goes by when he puts on the black clothing and walk outside to his his mom and dad waiting there in the car for him.*

Theres my son! What did you ge...

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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