Just a normal day

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The room belonged to that of a typical teenager… posters spread on the wall, clothes on the floor and homework sitting on the desk completely neglected. On the bed was a bundle of blankets and tangled limbs, a tuft of brown hair stuck out from a small opening between blanket and pillow, and there was the distinct sound of a grumbling snore from the sleeping figure underneath. The window was open letting in a cool sea breeze and the sounds of the nearby ocean.

“Sora! I know it’s summer but you need to get up! Sora!” The motherly voice from downstairs made the figure under the comforter stir and sit up...the tuft of hair became a full head a pair of blue eyes blinked sleepily open brown hair sticking to sweaty skin or tumbled down in long waves of spiky curls. 

“Young lady get up right now!” The voice called again. 

“Yes Mom!” The blankets came off revealing Sora, a young sprite like teenager of fifteen years old. She ran fingers through her messy hair and looked out the window with a sleepy smile. “Oh yeah… today’s that day.”

Disregarding the messy bed, and trying her best to avoid the mess on her floor, Sora quickly grabbed up what appeared to her as clean clothes and slipped them on. She then slid down the banister of her staircase and snatchedup a piece of toast and an apple from the breakfast table. “Thanks mom gotta run, bye!”

Ignoring the disapproving looks and calls of her mother Sora made a sprint out the front door. The small world of The Destiny Islands was calm and peaceful with normal everyday folk who lived, went to work or school, and had everyday adventures. Sora didn’t care much for work or school but she was always ready for adventure, especially when she and her two best friends took their boats out to the little island, a place where the children of her hometown came to play and explore. 

Lately though,  even the island was getting old. Sure it was a great little place, no adults, no rules, just friends and fun, but there was only so many rocks you could turn over before you’ve seen everything there is to see. She guessed that was why her best friend Riku, a boy just a year older than her and had been her companion since they were in diapers, was so desperate to leave.  Her other friend was new to the group because she’d only just appeared on the islands a few years ago. No one knew where she had come from, she had just suddenly appeared out of no where washed up on the beach no memory of where she had come from, just a name… Kairi.

Kairi had completed their circle. Each of them now brought something new to each other.  Riku was the appointed leader and fighter, Kairi was the organizer and thinker, and Sora herself was the fun and the dreamer. The other kids on the island; Selphie, Tidus, and Wakka, were fun to be around, but she just didn’t click with them the way she did Riku and Kairi. When she was around those two her heart was always so full and happy. She could go anywhere in the world so long as she had them by her side. 

Her little boat pulled up to the dock and she spotted Tidus and Wakka right away battling each other with swords and toys with Selphie on the sideline playing cheerleader. She counted the boats and smiled seeing that there were two extra meaning Riku and Kairi were already here. She tied off the end of her boat and jumped on the dock racing across the boards and the sand waving to the three as she passed them and headed to the bridge. She spotted Riku right away lounging on the palm tree as per usual. 


The silver haired boy glanced in her direction over his shoulder, his smile quick and confident as he followed her approach to him.

“Hey, it's about time you showed up. Kairi’s already working on the list of things we’ll need for the raft.” He jumped down and let out a soft laugh tugging on the ends of her hair.  “Nice hair.”

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