Chapter 14

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[Emily ' s POV]

"I hope this date goes well. I'll just have a nice meal and then hope we see each other again." Emily said in the mirror. She then walks out the door. She shows up at 64 Melody Drive and knocks on the door. A very handsome man answers the door.

"You must be Emily Prentiss" He says shaking her hand. "You look so beautiful" Emily grins then walks inside.


"Wow! You set this all up for me?"

"Of course" He says pulling a chair put for her. It's a wonderful candlelight dinner of spaghetti and meatballs. They go through dinner laughing and telling funny stories. Emily hopes she has finally found the one. The clock strikes 10.

"I should really be leaving now" She says smiling and getting up.

"Wait, wait, wait..." He says shaking his arms. "I was thinking maybe we could get to know each other a little better"

"Oh no" Emily thought. "I'd rather not" She says walking to the door.

"No!" He says forcefully grabbing her hand. "I'd wouldn't do that" He says pulling out a knife.

"Let go of me!" She says trying to loosen his grip on her arm. He Knocks her out and brings her to his room. She wakes up nearly naked. "What?" She says walking to the door but it's locked and she can't find her clothes.

"Oh hello Emily" He says coming closer.

"Get away from me!" She says getting ready to put up a fight he punches her in the abdomen and handcuffs her to the bed. He starts trailing his hands over her body removing the remainder of her clothes. "Stop please!" She says. But he doesn't stop. She then kicks him right where no man wants to be kicked.

"Dammit Emily!! I thought you would just cooperate!" He puts his clothes back on and brings in a bat. "I didn't want to do this." He says as he starts beating her with the bat repeatedly. She starts bleeding.

"STOP" She squeals in pain. "PLEASE!" He then replies with multiple strikes with a knife to her stomach. "Please.." She says slowly loosing conciousness.

"Oh I'm not done yet" He says shooting her 3 times in the arms and legs. "I'm not going to kill you because I want the FBI to know how weak there agents are" He carries her to his car wrapped in a towel and places her in the alley behind the Quantico main office and calls the cops to report there immediately. "Bye Emily"


"Have the doctors said anything?" JJ asks running up to Hotch.

"She is still in surgery" He replies. Reid joins the rest of the team in the waiting room.

"Where did they find her?" Reid asks.

"Behind the office" Rossi replies.

They all wait for a couple of hours when finally the doctor walks in. "She is stable but no one should see her until morning" They all nod in relief.

"We should go home then come back in a couple of hours" Morgan says knowing that everyone needs sleep.

"I'm not leaving." JJ says sternly.


"No Spence... Just go home and get some sleep"

He nods in agreement knowing she is not to be messed with. They all leave and JJ is waiting in the waiting room.

"You can go see her now" A doctor says waking her up from her 3 hour nap. No one else is there yet. She walks in to the room and sees Emily asleep.

"Oh my god." She whispers to herself. Emily was beaten bad. She had a black eye and a bunch of bruises. She also sees her stomach wrapped. She begins feeling her stomach feeling the similar scars she has. She begins to have flashbacks. She storms out of the room and out to her car. And drives off. About 30 minutes passes and the team shows up.

"Where is JJ" Garcia asks.

"Um excuse me ma'am do you know where the young blonde lady went? Rossi asks the receptionist.

"She left about 30 minutes ago" She replies.

"She left half an hour ago" Rossi tells the team.

Reid quickly pulls out his phone and call JJ. No answer.

"She's not picking up." Reid says stressing.


JJ is driving to no apparent location. She is crying behind the wheel. "You're safe Jaydge" She tells herself. She drives and drives and then figures out where to go.

"Hey sis" She says walking up to a gravestone. "I wish you were here" She says wiping tears. "My friend Emily is hurt, and I'm scared". "And I'm remembering when a similar thing happened to me, and it's terrifying. Why is there so much evil in this world?"


"I just got a text from JJ. She said she's fine and just needs time to herself." Reid informs the team.

"Alright, let's go see Emily" Hotch suggests. They walk in there and sees that she is awake.

"Hey guys" She says weakly.

"Hey Em" Garcia says with a smile." How are you"

"Doing better I guess. Where is JJ?"

"She needed time to herself" Morgan replies.

"Do you need anything" Hotch asks. "Water?"

"That would be nice" She smiles. He comes back and hands her a cup. "Thanks" She takes a sip then asks "How long do I have to stay?"

"They say at least 10 days" Reid answers.

"Do you think Jaydge will be back?"

"I hope so"


JJ locks herself in the bathroom knowing Reid wouldn't be back for a while. She is crying and terrified because the flashbacks won't stop. She runs around the bathroom trying to find the only thing that can help her sleep. Dilaudid. She can't find any so she grabs a blade and drags it across her skin. The blood is coming out but not enough to drain her. "This will help" She says continuing. She finishes and then puts a bandage over the cuts and puts on a long sleeve shirt and lays down and tries to fall asleep.


A.N. Hope you like it!! Comment what you think!

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