Chapter One: Drunken pancakes.

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Dan's POV:
"Phil. Oh Phil." I called from the kitchen where I was sitting at the breakfast bar on one of our newly purchased bar stools. Phil and I had recently moved apartments and by recently I mean two months ago. "Yeah?" I hear him reply coming into the kitchen. "Have we ever gotten drunk in a video?" He looked up at the ceiling like he does when he's thinking and then back at me. "No I don't think so." "Well then." I said spinning around on the stool. "We should totally do that, just pull a Jenna Marbles." Phil laughed his cheerful laugh. "Why should we do that?" "Because," ,
I whined, "I feel like day drinking and I might as well do it on camera with my best friend." Phil laughed again. "what do you even want to do drunk? "I don't know, but get out the alcohol while I set up the camera and I'll figure out while drinking." I said spinning off the bar stool and heading into the living room and setting up the camera. I could hear Phil quietly laughing to himself followed by the sound of the fridge opening. I set up the camera in front of the coffee table, facing the couch and turned it on while Phil came in and handed me a beer. I set it down on the coffee table and Phil did the same with his. He sat down on the couch and I pressed record and sat next to him. "Hello Internet." I said "So were here drinking and trying to figure out what to do for today's video so I'm just going to sit here and drink this while Phil comes up with an idea." I begin chugging my beer and Phil realizing what I mean begins to stammer. I am almost finished with my first beer while Phil is searching for something to say. "Uh. Um. Oh. Oh. How about a drunk QnA." "That sounds terrific Phil." I said. "But that will require you to open your drink." Phil then held up his unopened bottle to the camera and attempted to pop off the cap with his thumb. "Its a twist off." I said after his attempt failed "Oh." is all he said then he gently twisted off the cap. "Just to let everyone out there know, we are legal and mature adults, we know how to drink alcohol, and do it responsibly." I said "If you're underaged do not be doing anything we are about to do in this video." After Phil had downed a sizable amount of his beer we began answering questions from Twitter. "Ok first question," Phil said. "Alissa wants to know, 'Do you guys drink?" "Well Alissa." I said waving around my bottle for emphasis. "I hope this video answers your question." Then Phil and I toasted are beer bottles together in a perfectly unplanned moment of humor. This happens a lot but the fact that we executed this spontaneous moment without horribly failing is just incredible to me. we answers more and more questions until we had enough footage to work with then I laid on the couch thinking of another video we could possibly do. I was on my third beer with about a quarter of it gone already while Phil was only on his second with it still half full. Phil isn't much of a drinker, especially when it comes to beer. I closed my eyes for a minute until suddenly a surge of hunger took over me. "Phil!" I shouted. "Yes!?" He shouted back from his room where he was looking for his phone charger. "I'm hungry!" Phil came out of his room and stood over the couch. "Really now." I nodded as if I was a sick child and Phil was my mother asking me if I was that ill. "Well what are you going to do about that." I thought for a moment. With the edge the alcohol was giving me it took just a moment longer to focus. "Make pancakes." I said in a soft voice, that could again be compared to a sick little boy. "Pancakes?" Phil asked. Then processing the idea, I sat up and smiled. "Yeah, Let's make pancakes Phil!" He laughed. But you're highly tipsy if not slightly drunk. "So." I said with a smirk. "Then get it on camera." Phil just smiled a sweet smile. Has his smile always been that cute? Wait what? That was a random thought. I soon shook it off as Phil went to the living room to grab his beer and the camera. While Phil set up the camera, I grabbed all of your materials that the recipe on the said of the Bisquick box said we needed. Then we started filming. "Hey guys!" Phil said "So we've been drinking a bit and by a bit I mean I've had a little bit while dan has had a bit more." We both laughed. "Anyways Dan wants to make pancakes so that's what were going show you guys how to do according to the side of the Bisquick box." Phil explained. "Thanks Betty Crocker" I said which on the video would sound distance as I went to retrieve the bowl I had somehow forgotten in the cabinet. "This video is not sponsored by Betty Crocker." Phil added. Then we made pancakes. Phil actually baked them on the griddle because he was more sober than I and I didn't think I was as skilled as Hannah Hart when it comes to using hot surfaces while drunk. After the pancakes were done, we ate them and ended the video. Then I went to go take a nap. I had a dream about Phil, we were filming the video we had just made but I could hear my own thoughts. It weren't the thought I had thought when making the video, or maybe they were and being drunk had ignored them. Phil is so cute. Dream me thoughts said. Then dreaming me, the real me agreed in my own head, in my real thoughts. This made the dream end suddenly and I was left with just the darkness of my own closed eyes and my own thoughts. 'Am I gay? , What is Happening?, Why is Phil cute to me? Why am I attracted to him? No I'm not gay, I'm attracted to girl and I've been with girls. I know I'm not gay. So why do I have a crush on Phil? Call Tyler.' 'Call Tyler." was my last thought before I fell into a quiet state of sleep. I was woken up by Phil knocking my door. I got up and opened it. "Dinners ready." he told me. I rubbed the back of my neck. "You made dinner?" "Phil nodded. "Spaghetti." I Followed him to the living room where two plates were waiting. Phil picked up one and I picked up the other. We watched TV while we wait, then I told Phil I was going to go to bed early because the alcohol was getting to me, which was true. He nodded. "Don't be hungover tomorrow, we have to edit." We both smiled just staring at each other for a moment and then I said goodnight and went to my room. I peeled out of my skinny jeans and my pulled off my shirt and crawled into bed. I would call Tyler in the morning, if anybody could help me it was the fabulous Tyler Oakley. And maybe it was just the alcohol messing with me, but deep down inside I knew that no consumption of alcohol could create such a feeling. This feeling for Phil was real and there was no denying that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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