Chapter 2

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"This is bullshit! Joel you know I can do it!" Ellie yelled at him. "I'm not a kid, I'm 19."

"I'm just sayin' I don't want ya doin' it. Tommy's got plenty of guys willing to go out that far." He told her.

The real issue was that the hunters destroyed a large part of their medical facilities. The wounded were treated yes, but there was a very long line to be treated. Joel was a first hand experience with lines because a busted leg wasn't a direct threat to his life.

"No one wants to do this. No one." Ellie countered.

"And you do?"

"I'm more experienced than most of them. I can handle my own out there. It's not like I can get infected!" Joel's face fell.

"I didn't mean it like- I can do this Joel. Why send someone else out when I have the best chance of survival." Ellie was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed.

She shook her head, mainly out of frustration. "I'm going Joel. Jackson needs the supplies and I'm not getting any better here."

"If that's what this is about, we can work through this!" He approaches her, giving her a weak hug. Even though they had just started making un not that long ago he took every inch that his baby girl gave him.

Ellie pushed him back. Not roughly, but firm enough that he knew to back off. "I can't. I don't sleep, I can't relax. You know the best thing is for-"

"For you to talk to Alexia. She dealt with soldiers before the outbreak." He finished her sentence.

Ellie stayed silent. She never did talk to Alexia. But it would be a waste of fucking time. Talking wasn't going to erase the memories of all she'd done. Not of the cannibals she'd killed. The man she hacked up. The raiders heads she beat in, in front of some kids on top of it. Her body was a constant reminder of it all anyway.

Aside from the scar on her eyebrow she got a new one over the bridge of her nose from a raider hitting her in the face. She won the fight in the end but damn if her nose didn't hurt.

Not to mention the scars on her body. Dina offhandedly mentioned that scars were sexy. But Ellie suspected that Dina was not prepared when they were in Eugene's old weed house. The way that girl stared at her body, and it wasn't at her boobs, she knew that much.

"I should be out there. What if I hurt Dina again? What if I send Jacob to the infirmary again? If you weren't there with Kane I would have killed him." She explained.

"Ellie. It's not right!" He realized he was yelling and lowered his tone. "You shouldn't be out there risking life and limb for them." He said through gritted teeth.

Why the hell should a 19 year old have enough PTSD to put a Vietnam veteran to shame!? A 19 year old shouldn't worry about accidentally hurting someone because of all their past trauma. A teen should be worried about acne, dating, prom, and maybe college if it interested her.

"When I get back I'll talk to Alexia." She didn't realize she said it until she saw the Texan's surprised face.

"Thank you."

"Yeah yeah, just doing so you get off my case." She huffed. "I'll be safe.


Ellie was at the front gate with others. Another group was going out as well but they were going east. She was going west. They were on the other end of the town leaving.

A group of four other men and a female she was all too familiar with. If she remembered it was Aiden, Aaron, Shawn and Kane. yeah that Kane. This trip was going to take a few weeks. Month if the weather pinned them or they somehow lost their horse. There was a reason these people were going. People who didn't have families to hold them back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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