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         Ins looked at his mother whose eyes were telling the whole story. He instantly pulled away from the girl , went to his mom and apologized . He asked if she was okay. His expressions were quite obvious. They showed that he wasn't convinced even a bit but there were traces of hurt and regret on his face.
        He went ahead to insult the girl he thought was an angel. She had deeply hurt him. He wanted to ask why did she do that . Why would she create such a drama ? The girl standing there wasn't the Anya he knew, the Anya he fell in love with. But he still had love left for her in his heart. When he went ahead to rebuke her , the mother stopped him . What she said next was so heart-touching that it brought tears in his eyes. Her golden words were:
     " My son, I am your mother. I carried you for nine months in my womb . You were like a little seedling that I caressed and fondled so much. Now look at you all grown up like a tree. Please stop right there, I always taught you to respect women and lower your gaze when one passes by. You told me that you fell in love with a girl and asked to meet her. Here I am. I stood still and did nothing because I know my son. All the pain I went through was worth it because you returned me with love, respect , everything a mother could ask from a son. For me , it's enough that you believed me . I'm happy my son. Let's leave this girl and go our way. I love you and I'm so proud of you Ins. "
        Upon hearing this , fountain of tears started falling from his eyes.

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