Meet some of the characters Part 1 of 2

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Name: Ford
Job: Retrieval Specialist/ Secret Keeper
Mercenary: No but close enough
Body Count: Unknow
Shot: Yes
Countries been to: Lost count
Goverment: Classified
From: Unknown
Favorite Color: Unknown
Real Name: Unknown
Keeping Secrets: Yes, His job

Name: Morgan Devereaux
Job: Head of Private Security/Gloryified Babysitter
Hired by: More like Approached by unknown
Worked with anyone previously: No except Jade
Military: Yes
Military Jobs: Unknown
Personal Life: Unknown
Order is necessary
Torture: Preferable
Unknown Love intrest: Maybe Jade

Name: Jack Lewis
Job: Marksman (Long Distance Intelligence Gathering Personel)
How did Jack get the job: Don't worry about it
Military: Yes, Infantry Lance Corporal
raider battalion
Known Military associates: Yes Morgan and Ford
Superior: Was Morgan
Meet ford in military: Yes, Scouted for Ford. Couple of missions
Jade: Meet on an assignment a few times with with ford

Name: Jade
Job: Take out the trash/Makes them disappear
Military: Private Sector
Worked with anyone on team before: Yes, Ford and Jack
Body count: Unknown won't kill and tell

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