Embers and Porcelain

111 9 3

🎶Inspired by Yellow Flicker Beat🎶

Hear the trumpets
in the distance
produced by your dead

The blood like rubies
drip, drip down her skin
the voices pass over her

The fire burns low
the embers crackle
the yellow flicker

The stone cold porcelain
of her skin
the severe heat
of her fury

Sing of a Mockingjay
cry of a lose soul
silent scream of your heart

Chain as heavy as your words
darkness as filthy as your doings
light as fake as your smile

Just tell them!
you cannot continue
too many have died
too many have hurt
too many have not come back
to you

Names once chorused
anthems once celebrated

Dreams creeping with demons
waking moments creeping with angels
neither can save you

Song of a sister
scream of a friend
kiss of a lover

Oh Katniss
What have you done?

M A G N E T S (Lorde)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora