Chapter 3

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After racing out of that scene I stopped panting for breath, watching as blood dripped down to the floor. I was hoping to avoid that but I had been caught up in all the commotion. Slowly I turned around to make sure that I hadn't been followed by one of the brutes, and I almost suffered from a heart attack. There was Anna running towards me, oh so quickly but I just turned away, and stumbling screamed at her (tears streaming down my face), " LEAVE ME ALONE!" Anna, the person she was, finally left me alone, to drag myself down to the crosswalk. My day just couldn't get any worse.

That's what I thought until I felt a hand come from behind and cover my mouth, at first I thought it was the bullies and expected more people to come out, but only one man came walking around acting like he knew me, he talked like a snake pulling his words longer and slowing them down as he said, "Looks like someones already knocked you down for us little birdie." I kicked and shoved my foot into the guy's foot, pulling myself away from him. I tried dashing away but I stumbled and lost my footing. Pushing myself back up again I took it slower this time going at a jog calling for help, but now there was another man and they were catching up to me. I couldn't get anywhere at this speed, so grunting with pain I picked my pace up to a run. Turning the corner I saw my house right in line with all the white picket fences. It's rotting wooden fence and paintless walls, I was so close but missing the curb I fell again scraping up my knees. I was almost crawling, anything to get to my house. Stumbling up the steps I finally pushed open the front door and dashed inside locking the door behind me I kicked off my shoes and pulled myself up and into my bathroom locking the door just in time to hear the sound of yelling and banging at the front door. Panting I turned myself around to face the mirror, clinging to the counter I looked at how raged I seemed to be. Then I took a wipe and cleaned off the blood from my face. For the next few seconds, I couldn't hear anything, it was all just too silent. Then I heard the click of the lock on our front door, it was too early for my adopted dad to come home since he worked late nights at the hospital, he was a doctor and it wasn't unusual for him to be this late still I couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling as I groped for my phone. I realized that I had left my bag with my phone in my room across the hallway. If I could just get this door to not creak and give away my position I might be able to get away with my bag.

Slowly I turned the handle to the door unlocking it and started opening it, the door was open only a jar when I heard the squeal coming out of it. It sounded like the squeal of a pig right before it snorts - when it is simply terrified and if anything I should have been the one squealing because, at that point I was terrified. I heard shouting, "She's up there, let's go." By that time I was shaking sickeningly and I couldn't stop, I had always read about stories like this in the news when dad wasn't looking but I never thought to be caught in one of these situations myself. I was scared out of my mind but I tried to push the tears away, and I focused on finding a way out of the mess I was in. As I heard footsteps on the steps up to where I was I was practically scrambling for the window to scream, I finally got to the window just to be met up with quicker footsteps that seemed like they were going to get to her before she got to the window. No, she wouldn't let them, she was so close, another couple of steps at most she could do it. Thinking out loud I proposed an idea to myself, "GOOO!" There it was the final lap, the final inning, the time for me to go all out.

Right before the window my socks pulled the floor to me giving me a close and personal view of it and I couldn't seem to right myself, so in my last breath I let out an airy scream that wasn't enough. A hand wrapped in a white cloth came up and came over my mouth, it had something on it and I started blacking out...

I woke up all sweaty and tired, tied to a chair in a black room, there was no light that I could see but my eyes hadn't adjusted to the darkness so I would have to wait and see. I wanted to punch myself for getting caught, but to the conclusion of my fooling around with my surroundings I figured out that my hands were tied. I had sufficiently overlooked that I had a cloth tied around my mouth probably to try to get me to stop screaming, I thought that this was foolish because I would still be trying to scream and sometimes a muffled scream can be worse than my natural screams. Still I endeavored pulling and tugging away hoping to saw off the ropes on my hands just like they do in n all those action movies I want those grand escapes like in Indiana Jones and in batman, sadly to my dismay the ropes wouldn't budge and I felt pathetic, which I probably was, but I also was a sedulous person and I didn't give up on tasks easily. Besides, my pride was already hurt. Again I was endeavoring to get the ropes undone, to emancipate myself from this dreadful place, again I endeavored but instead of feeling the ropes loosen against my skin they just felt tighter. Suddenly the door was whipped open letting in an almost blinding white light (by now my eyes had fully adjusted to the dark). There was a boy in the doorway, the first thing about him that I noticed were his eyes. Once my eye's stopped screaming in pain, I saw them. They were a piercing golden color, and I felt them judging me. His hair looked like a bedraggled mess, and he was judging ME! He came closer, and I heard shouts from the corridor outside the door. I recognized the voices they were the people that had taken me here one I remembered was called "King" probably the boss. Images flashed in my mind of the two men that had brought me here to who knows where. Just as I pushed away the memories I heard loud stomping footsteps coming towards us, a fist thudded against the wall and I could hear the strange boy muttering inaudible words under his breath. One of the men rounded into the doorway. I noticed right away, he was the other guy that had come after me. The boy who had been lurking in the dark corners up until now finally made his move punching the guy in the face. The man stumbled back in both shock and pain, I guess that kid was strong . The boy turned to face him, and I swear his eyes were glowing. Then the strangest thing happened, flames shot straight up in the air forming a circle around the tall man. Then the ropes around my arms and legs felt warm, I chose not to think of how close the flames would have been if they were actually there. Sure enough, my ropes loosened until they ripped apart. I sprang to my feet, watching with interest as the flames seemed to creep closer and closer to the man. The boy turned to me, there was no denying it now his eyes were definitely glowing. He gestured for me to follow him as he walked out the doorway. I just stood there, was I really gonna just follow a stranger, I mean he saved my life but he was scary, and a little cute. I was about to start following him trying to get my legs to move, when he poked his head back and said, "you coming," making his point clear that I needed to follow him. I started to follow him taking my first step forward. As I kept walking behind him my legs kept shaking, and cramping after being seated for so long. Struggling to keep up I twisted all my fingers together, one way I always fidgeted. Panting from the distance we had put between us and the room due to his insane walking, I asked him, "What's your name." Focus still trained ahead of us looking to see if there was anyone he responded, "Jason." Trying to keep our small bit of conversation going I asked, "What happened with the fire?" This he didn't answer but just kept walking faster now it seemed. Quickly glancing back at me he called, "Hurry up, we have to meet friends of mine and with that all our talk ended.

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