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Harry and I took our seats while our guests continued to roar with excitement. Soon the clapping died down and our 3 course meal was beginning to be served.

“So are you going to tell me where we’re going for the next two weeks?” I asked, smiling innocently at him.

“Nope, it’s a surprise.”

“Can I at least get a clue?” I almost begged.

“Well for tonight and tomorrow night we’re staying somewhere, and for the rest of our honeymoon we’re going to be somewhere else.”

“Where are we going for-“

I was cut off by lips being pressed to mine, “No more questions, baby,” he mumbled against my mouth. He pecked my lips once again and rested his forehead against mine, “I just can’t wait to get you out of this dress later on.”

“Harry,” I giggle, pulling away from him and looking to see if anyone had heard what he said.

“Babe, things I could say right now would make me out to be the least gentlemanly person ever.”

“You need to stop reading the 50 shades books then,” I teased, finishing my soup.

“But, I’m onto the third book,” he complained jokingly.

“Getting tips on how to spend our honeymoon?” I teased again.

“Possibly. And not having any sex this past month has really taken its toll.”

“Just think of the next two weeks.”

“Oh I am,” he kissed my cheek and intertwined his fingers with mine.

After the meals, Gemma, Louis and Anne had made their way up to the stage, near the microphone. Gemma started her speech first, “First off I’d like to mention how long I’ve been waiting for this moment to happen. To see my baby brother this happy with someone as beautiful as Sky is amazing. I remember the first time I met Sky and how they acted around each other it was sure that they would end up together. At first it was just, ‘hurry up and date the girl’,” everyone lightly chuckled, “then it quickly turned to ‘if you two don’t get married the world is sure to end’,” another murmur of laughter filled the room, “and here we are, finally. I’ve never been so happy for my brother and now my new sister. Everlasting happiness for you both,” she finished and the crowd clapped loudly as she stepped down and next was Anne.

“I’d just like to say that I am so happy and proud of you both. I love you both so much and Welcome to the family Sky,” she smiled and the crowd clapped as she stepped down to join Robin at their table.

Louis then stepped up to the microphone with a glass in his hand, grinning out at the crowd before his eyes set on us. “Harry mate, I’ve known you since you were –I dunno, 15, 16… And I have never, ever seen you as happy as you are when you’re with that one right there,” he pointed at me and Harry squeezed my hand and lifted the back of my hand to his lips.

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