[03] The Fushiguros

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Reader POV

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Reader POV

Megumi and I slipped into a comfortable routine of getting through the day and then me bringing him to my home after school.

I would help him with homework and for every homework sheet he got entirely, I would reward him with a sticker on the chart.

If he got all five days of the week with a gold star (that I let him put on himself), I agreed to come to dinner with him and his father on Friday or sometime over the weekend.

So far it has been working for the past month and a half.

We were currently at a restaurant right now and the waiter mistakenly thought Megumi was my son as we checked in.

"Ma'am, does your son want a coloring book?" He asked me kindly.

Megumi spoke before I could correct our young waiter. "Yes please!"

He exchanged looks with his father that didn't go unnoticed by me.

Megumi skipped ahead leaving Toji and I to follow.

"So...I assume you'll be free next weekend?" He asked me.

"That depends if Megumi can get through another week of correct homework," I said to him teasingly. "But if he does, I'm available. Just not on Sunday."

"I see. Megs wanted to take you to our special place where I met his mom, so..." Toji looked slightly embarrassed.

"I'd love to go. However..." I looked at Toji. "What's really going on here, Toji?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not stupid. I know you and Megumi are planning something."

Toji shivered. "Just as sharp as I remember. Yes, we are. But that's for us to know-" he patted my head and sat down at the table. "And for you to find out."

I sat next to Megumi and gave them a sigh, shaking my head. "Very well."

"Did you tell her?" Megumi became very excited.

"Not yet kiddo," Toji held a finger to his lips. "Don't spill the secret, Megs."

"Aye, sir!" He pretended to salute and went back to coloring on the kid's menu.

I decided to get a pork cutlet bowl in honor of my friend Yuri Katsuki who was an olympic figure skater.

"Whatchu getting?" Toji asked me kindly.

"A pork cutlet bowl," I said proudly. "And you?"

"I'm getting what she's getting!" Megumi declared.

"That makes two of us," Toji frowned. "But I warn you: I like my food spicy."


[Twisted] Toji Fushiguro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now