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: ) been a bit again. I took a Hiatus because of surgery and recovery but now I'm here to deliver!
Without further adieu (hoping I spelled that right) here's another small bit of reasons to bleach your eyes.

LeFou stared at the walls of the cave in silence. He wasn't sure how to feel exactly when even in death he had failed. He was sick of feeling so worthless and pathetic, even if a part of him knew he was such.  He wasn't attractive by any usual means, he was short and stubby with overly large hands and a nose one could compare to a bulb of an onion.

His breath too could be compared to one. 

LeFou wanted nothing more than to be around Gaston again. His unreciprocated feelings always caused problems for LeFou. Even when he had Encouraged Gaston to give up Belle he didn't feel complete or even happy. He had been too driven in his attempts to win Gaston back, even as a friend to realize how much pain he had caused in people's lives.

"I'm truly Awful aren't I?" LeFou asked out into the Cave.  Self reflection and pity laced his nasally voice. His echoes were all that would answer him.  Choking on his feelings LeFou put his face in his hands and bit his lip to keep the tears from spilling.  He wanted to go back in time and fix all that he has done but he could not. He wanted Gaston too, but that was also taken from him.

In the end LeFou sat on the straw cot in silence shaking in his own hands. With no one there to comfort him.

He felt Abysmal and Lonely.

All he could do was cry and wish for things to change.

Seeee? Some humanity I'm characters we hate is nice sometimes. Or I think so at least.
Back to our favorite closeted Man
Or uh the second favorite.

Gaston Heaved himself up the last step, it was unusual that the large man was ever out of breath but two hundred stone stairs would do that to anyone.

Yzma on the other hand simply drank a small bottle of glowing substance and straightened back up. Not even a hair out of place and she was effortlessly Standing at the top awaiting him with an impatient stare.

Gaston made a note to take a bottle of what she had before he escaped to his world again.  Maybe she had some... enlargement-?

Yzma snapped at Gaston. "Stop staring and let's go, we don't have time to stand around and think!"

He nodded swallowing his words for the millionth time. He just wanted to escape.

Picking up his pace to match hers, Gaston let his mind wander.
'Kronk? Kronk. Kronk.' Was all that filled his mind. The image of the Tan man with Flexing abs who's voice was as deep as the history of this place it seemed. His hair glossy and well kept, better Than Yzma's hair was kept. Then again Anyone has better hair than Yzma.

Switch to Kuzco the little stick figure himself


Kuzco Stared at himself in the mirror. Brushing his hair until in gleamed, applying some makeup to distract from his beady black eyes, and finally his most expensive and lavish attire. A flowing Toga adorned with Jewels which shimmered in the light provided by the candles. It had golden beads around the edges with an elegant peach sash to throw the whole look together.

((Insert Kronk: 'oh yeah, it's all coming together' meme))

"Man. I look good" Kuzco mused to himself. Standing up Kuzco took note that he needed to get new sandals for his wedding. Kuzco snapped his fingers and ordered some assistants around to go fetch him some new Sandals.

Kuzco sat back down at his bedside table and leaned back. He had the life. A Fiancé, An Empire, all the jewels he could want, frien- no. Wait he didn't have a friend. Kuzco shot up from his slouched position. How could he be so unprepared. He needed a friend with him.

'Isn't that how weddings work?' Kuzco asked to himself.

"Never mind! I'll go get Kronk from the Dungeon!" Kuzco shouted out loud. Earning several worried glances from the already tired and over worked servants. They muttered to themselves as he left the room, still in his fine attire and shoes. His Crown Swaying with his head as he left for the dungeons.

POV switch again. To put favorite Himbo (or that's what I was told he was)

Kronk sat in the dungeons for what seemed like hours. It was a monotonous way to live. Counting on his hands until his head ached for silence. The guards stalking the hallways clad in armor that clinked against itself with each step they took. And finally the meals which Kronk, as a chef, would throw a conniption at the cook who had made them.

The meals were poorly done and poorly nutritious. Unbalanced and next to no filler. Kronk wished he could get out of there. No matter what it was. Even for a day.

"One day. Please.." Kronk Muttered to himself like a prayer, "Please let me out even for a day, I need to get out of here."

Kronk inhaled to relax himself and to stave off any tears but as he did he wasn't paying attention to the door, which was swung open for Kuzco himself.

"Kronk. Hello? It's me." Kuzco said. His eyes meeting with his old friend for the first time in a year.  It was almost Surreal for Kronk to see his friend.

Standing up He looked over Kuzco from the other side of the metal bars. He made sure to take in every detail of Kuzcos Face and stared into his eyes after. For some reason they didn't look as beautiful as they had before Kronk had dropped the Red Cloth. They no longer shone like the stars. Kuzcos eyes looked duller like a lump of coal.

He inhaled. "So uhhh, Kuzco. What uh brings ya here." Kronk asked. Hoping this interaction would be over as soon as possible.

Kuzco stepped closer. "I would like you, to come to my wedding."

Kronk blanched at the thought. Going to his crushes wedding? It would be like having his heart crushed all over again. Kronk s shoulders sank and he bit his lip looking down. He held in the lump in his throat before answering.

"I uhh, I would love to go Kuzco."

Kronks vision blurred as he watched Kuzco light up and thank him while celebrating.  He knew this was his only chance to escape but to do so he needed to see his Love get married. Faking a smile Kronk nodded at Kuzco.

Switch POV

Kuzco was excited to have his friend at his wedding. He now had it all. Looks, a fiancé, an Empire, and now a friend. Clapping his hands excitedly he ordered the guards to unlock the cell door and escort Kronk to one of the spare royal chambers to get cleaned and fitted for his wedding.

Kuzco walked back to his room happy and relaxed for the wonderful wedding night that was to come.


Anddddd that's all for now. Apologies for hiatus but it's me and my life doesn't make a lot of room when it comes to this. I can't say too much bc I don't want to spoil the end but uhh yeah. Just stay safe and I'll see you very soon lovelies.

Ps:And if there's any grammar mistakes it's because I don't have my editor.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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