Butterflies On a Racetrack

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This is a one-shot dnf racing AU
Hope you enjoy!
    On your mark… get set.... GO.
   The engines roared as the cars started flying down the track. George was blown back from the wind of the racing cars speeding past. The two racers, Dream and Sapnap, racing as fast as they can. Blue and purple lights blur across their faces as they come closer to the end. Sapnap looked over and saw the look in Dream's eyes, the look of determination. The racers had come to the end of the course, but it was too close to call. Back on the cams, it shows Dream winning by a few inches. George runs down the track to meet Dream at the end. 

"DREAM, YOU DID AMAZING," George shouts running to hug Dream. Dream steps away from his car to receive the hug from his friend. Sapnap gets out of his car with a look of defeat to go shake his opponents hand. 

"Man, I can't believe you beat me again, I'll get you next time though. You can't keep your win streak forever." Sapnap says in a joking manner as he starts to walk away to his friend Karl, who was waiting for him on the side. 

    The 2 racers had known each other for years, so they had practiced a lot together. Dream knew Sapnaps weaknesses, and Sapnap knew his and this made them pretty evenly matched. They were both two of the best racers in their area, no one could deny that, but the fact that Dream was on a 5 race win streak against Sap was incredible. On the road, it seemed that Dream had laser focus and knew exactly the right moves to make to barely make it ahead of Sapnap at the end of the course. 

    Back on the sidelines, Dream was talking to George about the race. They chatted for a while about how Dream barely pulled forward at the end, and Dream confessed that it was pure luck. George always seemed so amazed at Dream's wins. He's there for all of his races, and he wouldn't miss one for the world. Sometimes, he would be the one to wave the flag at the beginning to indicate the start of the race. George liked it because of the outfit he got to wear, it made him feel powerful. From time to time, it would throw Dream off his game for a few seconds, but George could never figure out why. 

"Hey, it's late, maybe we should head back to my place for the night," Dream offered. He knew George lived a little far out from the track, plus, he didn't really mind when George stayed over. Dream loved getting chances to hang out with George, even if it was just for a little while in between races. George had never missed one of Dream's races and Dream thought it was cute. He would always run up to him at the end and give him a big hug either congratulating him, or comforting him from a loss. Dream only asked him to come to one race a few years back and George took an interest in the racing. He told Dream he would never race, but loved watching it. 
    From that point on, he gave George all the dates of all of his races and would normally give him a ride to them if he asked. On the way to races, George would always give Dream the stupidest pep talks. They were always goofy, but they put Dream in the best mood before races, which then affected his performance. George eventually started waving the flag at the start of the races, followed by him meeting Dream at the end of the track to give him a hug. It was a regular cycle that they had fallen into, but they wouldn't change it for anything. Sometimes, if the races ended early enough, they would find a lake and watch the sunset together. Those were Dreams' favorite nights. They were always so peaceful and the light would always make George's face glow, and it gave Dream butterflies. 

One time, Dream surprised George with a bracelet that had a butterfly on it. George could never figure out what it was for, but he cherished it. He wore it everywhere, the only times he would take it off was when he showered and when he slept. George loved the nights that he stayed over at Dreams house. They laughed and had deep, meaningful conversations. They would watch movies, and some nights Dream was too exhausted from the races and would fall asleep on George's shoulder or lap. George would move Dream so they were more comfortable and fall asleep himself. George was always happiest when they were like that.

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