The beginning.

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It all started in Detroit,Michigan.That is when   my model YK500 was first created by CyberLife in 2033.I was standing in an android shop looking through the glass with my sparkling brown eyes,I have always wondered how world was...I wanted to feel the cold raindrops on my hear the birds singing,to watch  the beautiful sunset,I just wanted to feel alive...But people didn't allow us to be free,we were just some machines that were doing the housework,at least that's what they thought.Suddenly ,a man came in the shop and started to look at all the androids,he was wearing a black
T-shirt and some blue jeans.At first,I was scared of him but "Don't judge a book by its cover".He came in front of me and started talking with one of the people that was working there.
-Man:What model is this?
-Seller:It's the new YK500,it is actually a special Android because it can feel pain,happiness,sadness and it can also be sick if you don't take care of it.
-Man:So it is just like a child?
-Man:Ok,but first I need to know some things about these androids.
-Seller: CyberLife androids are machines that closely mimic humans in appearance and structure. Internally they feature biocomponents, synthetic organs that roughly mirror the organ systems of humans, and Thirium 310 or "blue blood" that circulates energy and electronic information throughout the android body. On their right temple, they bear a circular LED that visibly identifies them as androids and lights up in blue, yellow, or red, depending to their mental processing and condition. It can also be removed by forcing it out, making them look authentically close to a human.
-Man:Ok then how much is this YK500?
-Seller:It is $2999.
-Man:Okey,I will buy this one.
-Seller:First we need to know your name ,mister,
-Man:Yeah,yeah...Todd Williams is my name
-Seller:Okey,Thank you for your purchase.
And this is how my story started,I was so excited that I will finally feel emotions and have a family ,I was more than ready to start my life and explore the world...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2021 ⏰

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