Chapter one

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(inspired by Masashibear)

The girls look back at Japan, a land they will probably never see again. As the Boeing 747 builds up speed,everyone has mixed emotions within the plane. Mika is comforting Aki, who is sobbing her eyes out, while Youko and Mikko just stare out the window. 

"it's not fair, they didn't let us say anything. we tried to explain that we were framed and they didn't listen." Aki said through tears. 

"I guess the wind was not on our side this time." Mika said. 

"Mika I will never understand you" Youko replied. 

(meanwhile at the other schools)


"KATYUSHA IS VERY ANGRY" Katyusha Replied.

"Didn't they take your kv1?" Kay asked.

"No we said that as an April Fool's joke" Katyusha responded.

"But most people took it seriously" Nonna added.

"We'll just have to keep calm and carry on" Darjeeling said while sipping a cup of tea.

"Winston Churchill" replied Orange Pekoe

But for one person in the room, this was not just a friendly matter. One of them had just lost family because of the exile.

"She was hardly around, and now I'll never get to see her again." Alice said through tears.

Chiyo hugged her daughter tightly. "I'll make sure that over the summer we take a trip to Canada to see them"

"Thanks Mom" Alice replied while hugging her Boko.

(And there we go. The first chapter. please mind that this is my first fanfic, so any suggestion are welcome.)

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