chapter 3:the trial

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"So how did you get here anyway?" Guru asked curiously.

(one month prior)

The girls walked into the Supreme Court building in Tokyo. the four girls have been brought in on robbery charges. while they had stolen from a company, The company had actually stolen their KV1 that Pravda had given them. They were simply taking back what they had been given.

Judge: Would the plaintiff please State their case?

The company representative then went into a explanation claiming that the girls had stolen hundreds from them in the past, and that the tank that the girls took originally belong to the company.

Judge: Thank you we will now go to the defendant. 

Mika: Thank you your honor. What this man has said is complete lies, they had stolen the KV1 from us, and we had never taken anything from them. the KV1 that we have was sold to us and we even have the proof.

She proceeded to show the document certifying the purchase of a KV1 heavy tank.

Judge: Very well we shall move on to making the decision.

Judge to himself: I don't care what they said, I always hated their school, they're guilty no matter what.

Judge: After careful consideration we have found the defendant guilty. For their punishment they shall be exiled to Canada.

The girls were horrified by this. They thought they would just go to prison, not be exiled.

(end of flashback)

Mika: And that's how it happened.

Guru: That is terrible and corrupt.

Mika: Yeah and unfortunately I don't think anyone will ever learn the truth.

Guru: Well how would you like to join me for a stream tonight?

Mika: That would be great!

So Guru got the stream stuff set up, and they knew the stream went live when he said, "Hi everyone I'm the Hidden Object Guru and tonight I have a special guest"

The girls introduce themselves with excitement.

Guru: Hi Marissa and Wesley. It's nice to see that you're both here so early tonight. Tonight instead of playing what we normally do, in honor of our guests we're going to play some dream tank match.

Mika: What is that?

Guru: You'll see. 

The girls saw the menu and froze.

Mikko: Is that Miho?

Guru: Yes it is, but you're going to see more people that you recognize

He then selected "Jatkosota domination match".

Aki: is that us?

Guru: Yes.

Their faces all lit up seeing themselves in a videogame.

(and there is chapter 3. now the reason I call it the company, is because I haven't thought of a name. so if you have a good idea, please tell me. the company is meant to be Russian, founded by a veteran of the Winter War. until next time I'll be seeing you around.)

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