Chapter Sixteen

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Cas woke up entangled in his sheets the next morning, with Dean curled up beside him. He smiled and reached over to feel Dean's soft, warm skin. Dean stirred, but didn't wake, so Cas rearranged the blankets around them and gently pulled Dean into his arms. He could have stayed there forever, but all too soon, Dean awoke, extricating himself from Cas and stretching widely.

''Morning',' he mumbled, softly stroking Cas's bare thigh.

'Hello, Dean,' Cas murmured back.

'How're you doing? Not too hungover?'

Cas shook his head. 'Not hungover, no, but I do need to brush my teeth.'

'You can get to the bathroom?'

'From here? I'm sure I can manage it,' Cas smiled.

'Good, 'cause I don't wanna get up yet.'

Cas leaned over and kissed Dean. 'You don't have to. I'll be right back.' He climbed out of bed and carefully walked over to the small bathroom, doing his best not to trip on all the discarded articles of clothing. He didn't bother attempting to get dressed, it was too much effort. He was enjoying the breeze on his skin through the open window, and then the smooth porcelain edge of the bathtub that he sat on as he brushed his teeth. He thought he should feel ashamed, or conflicted by the fact that he'd spent the night with Dean, but all he felt was contentedness and warmth.

'Better?' Dean asked as Cas came back out of the bathroom.

'Much,' Cas smiled. He leaned against the doorframe, unwilling to pick his way back to the bed for the time being.

'Listen, I need to talk to you about something,' Dean said, an edge of nervousness creeping into his voice.

'All right.'

Dean took a deep breath, but then there was a knock on the door.

'Who is it?' Cas called, frowning.

'It's Sam.'

'Crap,' Dean whispered from the bed.

'What do you need?' Cas called.

'Can you let me in?'

'Uh... I'm not dressed, Sam, it could take me a while.'

Sam sighed dramatically. 'Fine. Do you know where Dean is? I can't find him anywhere.'

Cas just barely suppressed a gasp as Dean wrapped his arms around Cas from behind, pressing himself up against Cas's back.

'N-no, I haven't spoken to him since last night.'

'Are you sure?'

'Yes, I-I'm sure,' Cas said, stuttering slightly when Dean lightly sucked on his earlobe.

'Okay, well, if you come across him, can you tell him I'm looking for him?'

'Of course.' Cas reached behind himself to grab Dean's hips, goosebumps erupting all over him as Dean ran his hands all over Cas's chest.

'Okay, see you later, Cas.'

'Bye, Sam.' As soon as he was sure Sam was gone, he whirled around and pushed Dean against the wall. 'You're an asshole,' he said, before forcefully kissing Dean.

'Mm, maybe. Come back to bed.'

Cas was all too happy to oblige, and Dean guided him back to the bed, kissing him across the neck and shoulders as they went.

They showered together, taking their time, then decided to get breakfast together in the hotel's restaurant. Dean snuck back to his room to get some clothes, then came back and looped his arm through Cas's. They walked slowly through the hotel, enjoying their time in each others' presence.

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