Chapter 1

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Click! Click! The sound of lights turning off in the Krew Mansion. The soft snoring of Draco was heard from the occupied rooms next door to him. Funneh was still awake, editing their lastest video, sipping her luke-warm coffee lazily, when suddenly she heard an ear-piercing scream coming from Gold's room. She jolted awake, alert with fear, as she sprint across the house towards Gold's room. Just as she burst open the door, she got sucked backwards into a black hole, mysteriously. The last thing that she was Gold's shoe, just the last inch of it.
She got pulled into the portal, screaming but powerless to do anything to stop it. Before she knew it, there was flying colours everywhere, rushing past her at the speed of light. It was an eye sore and Funneh's eyes were starting to water from the horrific chaos of colours. It had looked like that a three year old had dumped a lot of bright colours on a huge canvas. She was starting to loose focus, her head getting dizzy, but then suddenly, the "rollercoaster" was over in a flash.

Fallen to the ground, she looked up at the world, and saw a house right in front of her, that looked like the Krew Mansion? Had she teleported outside of the house randomly? That didn't exist, right? You can't teleport in this world.. Confused and tired, she just decided to head in. She put in the house code, which dinged green and allowed her to go inside. Droopily, she dragged her lazy body down the hallway, outside her room, door closed where she saw that her computer was on. She opened it wider, and saw that a girl with long, blue hair was sitting in HER seat, editing HER video. "Hey!" She shouted to the stranger in her seat. The stranger slowly turned her head and saw an exact replica of her, the only difference was that there was a mask with a cheesy smile on her face. Funneh's eyes widen, and she heard her own voice scream into the night. She heard footsteps behind her, getting louder and bursting into the room. Funneh turned slowly and looked behind her, and saw her own Krew stare back at her, and looked behind her at the stranger.

"Who is this, Funneh? Why did we teleport outside our mansion?" Draco asked.
"I'm afraid I cannot answer those questions," Funneh replied. "And I have no idea who is behind me, I think it's an imposter of me!" Gold and Lunar's eyes widened as they grabbed the nearest book. Draco squinted his eyes, trying to make out who this person was, without his glasses. The stranger - without warning - suddenly stood up, flustered.
"W-who are you people?! Intruding in my house!" The Krew looked at each other, lost for words. "But this is our house?" Lunar asked confused. Funneh, still dizzy from the bright colours, and in trauma and shock from this sudden stranger in their house, she couldn't take it anymore. She felt her eyes snap shut and her body fall to the ground, and darkness.
When she regained consciousness after a couple of hours later, she saw a familiar face that she had just met that night. It was that cheesy smile that she had saw on that paper mask from earlier. She lifted her head a bit, and saw a Krew with paper masks on? "Are you okay?" The Funneh paper lookalike said with a unnatural voice. "Uh, yeah. I'm fine.." Funneh replied. "You look just like me," Gold PaperFace said with a weird tone to Krew Gold, she glanced at the Krew. "And the rest of you guys too. Are you guys our doppelgängers or something?" "Um.. probably not, I think we are yourselves from another universe." Rainbow replied. "Oh. Okay." PaperFace Lunar said with a stiff voice.

"I think we should establish names." Krew Draco said. "Yeah, this is getting too confusing." PaperFace Gold agreed. "So I'm Funneh a.k.a Kat, she's Gold a.k.a Kim, he's Draco a.k.a Allen, she's Rainbow a.k.a Betty, and finally Lunar a.k.a Winnie." Funneh said.
"Oh. That's our names too. I guess you guys can call us as our gamer names.." Draco replied with a mysterious look in his eyes.
"It's getting quite late though. I think we should all go to sleep." Funneh said to Kat.
Everyone brushed their teeth, occasionally glancing at their own twin and headed to their own bed, each PaperFace pulling out a sleeping bag for the others. The PaperFaces sleeping on the comfy bed, and the Krew, sleeping on their hard sleeping bags. It was right that they slept on their bed, as it was their universes bed. But nether less, they all soundly slept that night, thinking it was just a harmless dream that they had randomly thought about..

Funneh awoke the next morning, stretching her arms up to the sky. She reached over to her bed-side table to put on her mask. She was chuckling to herself a little, thinking about the crazy dream that she had the night before while she placed her mask over her head comfortably, and had just gotten out of the bed, when she had stepped on something squishy? She looked down at her feet and gave a small shout. It wasn't a dream after all.. It was all real. A another version of herself - more kinder than her - was sleeping peacefully beneath her feet. She stared, jealously, wishing that she didn't have to wear a mask issued by the government..
Kat snuffled a bit - rubbing her nose - she slowly opened her eyes, to see that cheesy smile that she had seen before, staring back at her?! She had thought that it was just a crazy dream! "Rise and shine. Breakfast should be ready soon..Kat." Funneh said with jealousy and a hint of hatred in her voice. She left the room in a rush, leaving Kat quite flustered in her blue sleeping bag. She walked into the bathroom and she glanced that everything looked exactly the same here and in their own universe. 'Probably the only difference is the people that live in here.' Kat thought to herself as she brushed away at her teeth.

Kat walked down the stairs, holding the banister gracefully, until she sniffed the air and smelt a familiar fatty smell..
She sprinted downstairs - ditching the idea of going down gracefully - and rushed into the dining room, noticing the plates of bacon and eggs neatly placed on the table. Lunar and Funneh were muttering quietly in the kitchen, but it didn't bother her.There was 10 plates and 20 pieces of cutlery elegantly sitting there, waiting for Kat to pick them up and gobble down in a flash, but she stopped herself and decided to wake up the rest of the Krew.

She opened the door, not bothering to knock. "Hey, wake up!" She yelled to Gold and Kim, who both had woken up and were choosing outfits to wear, their heads were both buried too deep into the wardrobe. Kat rolled her eyes and headed towards Rainbow's room, who's were just next door. She made sure to knock this time, as Rainbow/Betty gets quite mad when you invade her privacy. She knocked twice and waited a couple of seconds before she heard a rapid, Come in!" She caught
Rainbow - with messy bed hair - quickly adjusting her mask. "Hey.. Breakfast is ready." Kat said softly. "Okay. Thank you for telling me..?" Rainbow questioned. "Your welcome." Kat left the room, sweating slightly. 'I guess I shouldn't have assigned myself to this job.'
She decided not to wake up Draco and Allen and just headed downstairs, when she heard Lunar and Funneh say..

"Do you really think this is a good idea, letting these people into our home?"

"Technically, they are ourselves, just from another universe. We can't complain, the government must have sent them to us, as a punishment?"

"Or either there was a glitch in the wretched system. I don't trust it at all anyway! But why us?! It's not our responsibility to look after them. Plus, we have videos to make and more mouths to feed!"

"We could just kick them out? I have no idea what to do with them, Lunar."

"The government is at fault here! We should just hand them in to the police and see what they will do with them. I think worst case would be that they would be killed, or there would be an invasion.."

Kat, tempers rising, burst into the room, all hot faced, her eyes glistening and cheeks red and puffed, she stepped up to them.
"What in the world did you say? Report us to the police? Invasion in our world? I-I.." Kat sobbed.
Lunar and Funneh exchanged looks, knowing what they had caused, backing away, slightly scared of Funneh.


Next Update: 6 July 2021
Word Count: 1494

PaperFace: ItsFunneh AUWhere stories live. Discover now