Second disaster?!

314 8 2

Jetpad 07:00 AM

Xuli walks out of her room while Kyan searches for Lars and Foz

Kyan:- Hey where are these two? (looking under Foz's bed) They're not here

(Xuli calls Lars)

Xuli:- Lars where are you? And where's Foz?

Lars:- Oh sorry Xuli, I forgot to tell you that Foz and I will be out early to repair the Vroomster.

Xuli:- Huh?

Lars:- We left Jetpad an hour earlier and we're nearly done! We'll be there as soon as we're um... DONE!

Xuli:- Cool! Then Kyan and I will launch the weather balloons

Kyan:- What's for breakfast?

Lars:- Granola and yoghurt

Kyan:- Yum! I'm eating it with blueberries 

Xuli:- I'll eat it with strawberries

Time skip

Lars' Dome- 07:15 AM

Foz:- Controls done!

Lars:- Just need to fix the final booster

(Tala comes in)

Foz (immediately standing up):- Tala! What are you doing here?

Tala:- Oh um...(scratches her head) I... I need your help with this... (shows a picture of a plant and a chemical equation next to it)

Foz :- Photosynthesis!

Tala:- Yeah. Professor Wave taught us an equation for photosynthesis, but I didn't get it. what does that chemical equation mean?

Foz (chuckles):- That's super easy! I'll teach you. Did you know that a plant needs water, chlorophyll, sunlight and carbon dioxide to produce glucose and oxygen?

Tala (staring):- Um... Yes?

Foz:-  So... (takes a pen and a paper which was right next to him and starts writing in words first for Tala to understand) 

Foz:- Carbon dioxide+ Water with sunlight is...

            . . .6CO2 + 6H2O(with sunlight and chlorophyll)---->C6H12O6+6O2

Foz:- So I added sixes because we have to make sure that a chemical equation is well balanced

Tala (happily):- Yes! I got it! (hugs Foz) Thank you so much Foz!!

Foz (chuckling and blushing):- You're welcome (remembers). Tala (nervously) you didn't tell anything about the reporting..? 

Tala:- I'm okay with doing it... (Foz brightens up) . . .but in this weather?

Foz:- Not today but I'll tell you when... soon. Till then get prepared.

Tala:- sure!

Lars:- Done! Foz let's go

Lars:- Bye Tala

Foz:- Bye Tala

Tala:- Bye

(both walk out to the G.O Dome. Tala goes to the Art and Crafts room to get prepared)

Lars:- Did I interrupt your precious talking time?

Foz:- A little, but duty is first

(Lars snickers and pats his shoulder. Foz smiles at him nervously)

Kyan Calls Lars

Kyan:- Hey buddy you better come here fast, we're having another problem

Lars (worried):- Another problem?!

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