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We walk toward the entrance gate. I see Father. I start to run to him, "Father!" I call to him, "Yuki!" He calls back. The gate opens and he hugs me. "How are you?" Father asks me, "I'm well Father!" I tell him. I look behind and see that Kaname is smiling, I smile back. We had A LOT of adult fun on our trip. "Yuki" Kaname says, he trails his hand down my cheek. I touch the back of his hand and close my eyes. Kaname and I are pureblood siblings. We are to be married, Kaname wants me to be happy. I love him. The Headmaster is my Father. My name is Yuki Cross or Yuki Kuran. I was born a Kuran and adopted by Headmaster Cross. I am a pureblood princess. I look into the courtyard. Everything was cleaned up from the big fight. So all of it looked a little different, "the students are all in class" Father says. "And Yuki..." he starts "Kuran" I hear Zero's voice "Zero?!" I say and turn toward his voice. He is face to face with Kaname, "Zero?..." I say again. He looks surprised and hurt at the same time. He turns to face me. "Y-Yuki" he stutters, "Zero..." I say caringly. Kaname walks over and stands beside me, he puts his arm around me protectively. "Yuki and the rest of us need to be shown around" he says. "Yuki, Zero come with me for a bit, the rest of you, the Moon Dorm is in the same place" Father tells everyone. Zero and I follow the Headmaster. Zero looks at me, "you cut your hair" he pointed out "yes I did" I tell him. He keeps staring at me, because of this he runs into Headmaster's door. I held my breath trying not to laugh. I couldn't help it, I let out a small chuckle then I burst out laughing. Zero starts laughing to. After we stop laughing we walk into Headmaster's office. Father walks over and sits in his chair. Zero and I sit on the couch. "Zero you may already know what this is about" he says. "Guardian duties?" Zero asks, "yes". "Wait I'm going to be a guardian still!?" I ask. "Yes of course, you're the best," Father says, "well were, Zero is actually doing his duties now. So you might not be anymore". I look at Zero. I'm impressed, take me out of the picture and suddenly Zero attends his guardian duties. He returns my gaze and I look away quickly. My face feels so hot, Zero chuckles. The last thing we talked about was him coming to kill me, and yet I feel safe... happy... closer than I've ever been to him... I shake my head. Then I look to Father and try to stay focused. I felt Zero's eyes fixed on my face. I tried to shake off the feeling but I couldn't. When Father finished talking he gave me my guardian symbol. Zero and I walked out together, he was supposed to give me a tour. I learned I was going to have everything the same, the only different thing would be, I am going to be in the Night Class, well I'm going to have the uniform. I can pick if I want to be in the Moon Dorm or the Sun Dorm. So can Zero.

Zero and Yuki KiryuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang