Lets talk

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I'm not the type to be quiet when it comes to supporting/defending others.I always stood up for what's right and didn't really care about the consequences or whom I might hurt. Ever since I was 9 I told myself I had to be strong. But as I grew older I realized that I was just a child I didn't need to be strong I needed to be protected,protected by the elder role models in our life. I grew up in the Middle East. I always wondered how my life would be if I didn't grow up here. Don't get me wrong it's beautiful. But not everyone is the same. When I reached 10 I knew I didn't want to live in the Middle East forever. I wanted to go somewhere not too public but not too privet. Somewhere with different people. Unique sense of style. Even more diversity. Circling back to living in the Middle East dress code was a big part of the culture (not religion culture) Islam is peaceful it's just some cultures aren't it no matter if it's culture or not. I wasn't really forced to wear the hijab more like asked To but they'd still get mad when I refused they as in my parents. I always wanted to wear the hijab but when my parents started asking me to and pressuring me and asking me to wear it day after day I didn't even want to go close to the hijab. I felt like a bird stuck in a cage that's supposed to be home. My friends are nice and all but I really can't talk to them about my issues. I hate opening up to people. And they always take it personally . It makes me mad but something that makes me more mad is when they compare who's going through something more. I won't judge what you're going through because i know it's hard and your emotions are valid but they don't get it they'd say stuff like "but have you ever experience____" 
Or " sorry but mine sounds more important "
Lost many friends through out the year and yet none of the loses faze to surprise me . I saw it coming and prepared myself , even if I wasn't prepared I'd never be sad over a lose of a friend. They come and go is what I'm trying to say , but not all relationships end that way. Depends on whom you're being friends with, do theh support you ? Do they praise you ? Do they appreciate you? I meed you to think. Think real good and ask yourself do they really care ? Most often then not the answer is no. They dont care. But who gives a damn in the end of the day the only person there for you is yourself and yourself only not your mom dad friends pet...etc
But that isnt bad its good being your own person inriches your well being.i wish someone told me this growing up but unfortunately no one did so im hear to tell you . You're your only friend and the only person willing to give up everything for you.  And that is not a bad thing what do ever. Enjoy life as it lasts because when it ends you'll regret it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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