Missing Person

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POV: At the age of 2 months, every baby is taken by the government, and they are returned by the age of 10 years. They will never remember what happened in those 10 years, but they always remembered their parents. I remember everything, and the parents they sent me to aren't my biological parents...

They know that I'm not their biological daughter. They took me in just the same. I am now 10 years old, and I ran away from my 'parents', I left while they were sleeping. I opened the brown door and it creaked, I hoped they wouldn't wake up. I left the house and closed the door as quietly as I could. I went looking for what seemed like forever... I reached a camping site and with great glee, nobody was there. I slept there for a few nights and then went to continue looking for my biological parents. A week later, while I was walking down the streets, I saw a poster. It was a 'missing' poster, and it had my face on it, it also had a reward. The reward was £10,000. "They never had that much money," I thought to myself. Nobody recognized me as I was wearing a charcoal black hoodie covering my blonde hair and pretty face.

A year later, I found them! My biological parents. I saw them with an excited smile and hugged them. "Mum! Dad! It's you!" I exclaimed with happiness, but, when I looked back up at them, I saw the same parents I was living with for the past 10 years! They took me back 'home' and started shouting at me for leaving them and saying that they were my biological parents. How could this be? Was it all my imagination? Later that day I sat down with my mother and told me that it was a friend of mine who all of this happened to and not me! At that time, I felt blessed that I was living all my life with my parents! 

Word count: 344 words

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