Chapter 1

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It had been 2 years since I was captured. I had gotten a bit more freedom. Drago allowed me on the deck, but I had a clamp on my tail, preventing me from using my tail flaps to fly away. I also had a metal collar around my neck and face so the people could grab me easily, and so I couldn't open my mouth to use my fire. Every week or I would be taken to the new dragons to show them that they were basically prisoners of Drago. Drago was weird. He sorta trusted me. Every month he would ride me so my wings would remain functional. When I wasn't by Drago I was sitting at the edge of the boat either wondering what my life would be like if i wasn't captured or wondering what the Alpha's life was like. Technically he ruled all the captured dragons, but I sorta helped with that. It's weird. I was his second-in-command, sorta, I guess. 

My life was very routined. I sleep. The vikings wake me up. I stand by Drago while we hunt for new dragons. I eat. I talk with the other dragons in the hold. And repeat. 

Well, it was routined before the dragon riders showed up. It started normal. 4 dragons were rolled in, all tied up. I saw one Deadly Nadder, one Zippleback, one Monstrous Nightmare, and one Gronkle. I also noticed that all of them had saddles.

'Why would a dragon have a saddle? Even when Drago rides me he doesn't put a saddle on.' I thought. I also noticed one of Drago's dragon hunters. Behind him were 5 people. All teenagers, from the looks of them. They all had their hands tied behind their backs.

"Well," the dragon hunter said. "As you can see, I'm right on time with a new batch of dragons, as I promised." 

I watched Drago as he walked toward the Monstrous Nightmare. the dragon was thrashing in the ropes, and the vikings were having trouble getting the dragon to be still. "Drop the ropes." Drago said. The vikings backed away immediately, and Drago approached the dragon. It spit fire at him, but he used his cloak to shield himself. His cloak was one of the things that scared me. It was made of dragon scales. My kind's scales. He walked up to the nightmare and pressed his foot on the dragon's snout, like he did to me 2 years ago. The teenagers cried out, hating it. 

"And, as a bonus, I've also brought you their riders!" Erik, the dragon hunter said. "No extra charge." 

"What?" one of the girls in the group said. "Are you kidding me?"

"Aw, but you were so perfect!" the other girl whined. 

"Turns out, there're a whole bunch of them out there," Erik said. 

Drago grabbed Erik's throat in his hand, choking him. "how many?" he asked. 

"Drago doesn't have them after all," the same girl who spoke earlier whispered. 

"HOW MANY?" Drago asked again. 

"hundreds." said the same girl. "A whole island full." 

"I wouldn't worry about it," Erik said as Drago tightened his hold. "My men.. are hunting them down as we speak. They won't know where you're hiding, I promise you that."

"Oh yes they will." Again, that same girl! Is she the only one who can talk? I'm calling her Angry Blonde. "They know we're missing, and they have tracking dragons. If you so much as touch us, Hiccup is gonna k-" 

"Hiccup?" Drago asked. 

"he's not a problem, really. Trust me," Erik said. 

"He's only the son of Stoick the Vast, his heir to the throne of Berk, and, the greatest dragon master this world has EVER SEEN." Angry Blonde said.

"Dragon master?" Drago asked, dropping Erik. "I ALONE control the dragons."

I sorta tuned out after that, but the conversation went on, and at the end, Drago yelled out, "Stop ALL preparations! We must attack the dragon rider's nest at ONCE! We will take down their Alpha, and then we will take Berk!" the dragon riders exchanged worried glances. 

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