Chapter 1

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"Mark, you sure you wanna do this?"

I asked Mark, and all he gave me was a totally reassuring laugh.

"Come on, it's not like it's going to hurt us or anything. Besides, my family sort of knows already, they're cool with it, but if anything goes wrong, it won't be your fault- wait. It's technically yours too since you agreed... wait what am I even saying?"

Mark said, confusing both himself and I. 

Typical him, a typical Leo citizen, always getting himself into the most random things that may or may not get us into trouble. He found out that there was a ship leaving Leo to travel to all the different moons of the all the other 11 houses; Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. We had no clue why this ship was leaving, but we came up with a plan to sneak onto the ship so that we could visit all the houses. It was a dream since young, I have always wondered what it's like to be in these different places, also hoping to be able to find, or find out about my family. I wasn't from any of the houses, and my parents left me at a very young age. I knew absolutely nothing about my birthplace and my family background, but all I remembered was that I was adopted by Mark's family and was brought to and raised here in Leo. Up till now, I want to find out more about where I came from.

"Anyways, if this gets me closer to finding more about myself, I'm still up for it anyways. I don't mind getting myself into trouble."

I said, following a sigh. A siren rang, and Mark and I jumped a little. We then looked at each other, knowing it was time to make our move. We approached the boarding platform and ran straight into the parked ship, hoping that we weren't noticed, as a crowd started to form. The inside of the ship was massive, it almost felt like a new home. Mark and I hid behind a wall, as we watched a guy who looked slightly older than us walk up to the entrance of the ship.

"My fellow people of Leo, today marks the day of an exciting journey for us. My team and I are honored to share our experiences as we travel far and beyond our very moons. We hope to come back with good news in the next few months. With that said, we shall take our leave."

The man said, and we saw the crowd cheer. He stepped further back into the ship, as the door to the ship slowly closed.

"Yes! We did it. I can't wait to see what's beyond our stars."

Mark quietly exclaimed as he turned to me, and turned to him beaming. This is it, I'm finally on my journey to find the truth about myself. Mark and I turned back, when suddenly the man who had just spoken with the crowd stood right in front of us.

"Crew! Hold the take off."

He yelled, and glared at us.

"What are you kids doing? You're not supposed to be here."

The man asked us, and Mark and I looked at each other. We did not prepare for this.

"Well uh, you see-"

I tried to speak, but the man cut me off.

"Don't try to convince me, get out now. Coming with us will be dangerous. We can't risk having young lives from our house being taken away."

The man said. Mark looked at him, with a determined.

"Sir,  I don't know if you've heard of this from anyone before, but I assume that you may know about a kid being left to grow up here in Leo by outsiders?"

Mark asked the man, and he nodded.

"Mhm, I've heard of that alright. That kid, Y/N, their name is spread all over Leo, no one has seen them. They happen to be from another place far from the 12 houses. What about it?"

The man said, and my eyes lit up. Mark must have seen the look on my face when the man mentioned something about where I was from.

"Sir, please let us come on board... It may be hard to believe, especially since that event happened years ago, but I'm Y/N."

I slowly said, and the man's eyes widened. He started to look me up and down, and his crew gathered around. They must have heard us talking. Mark and I took a step back to make space.

"I must say, this is quite unbelievable. I would think you're lying but... you definitely don't look like you're from around here now that I took a good look at you..."

The man slowly said. He spoke again.

"It's an honor to finally see you, but why do you want to follow us?"

He asked me, and I stood firmly on the ground.

"I want to know more about where I came from. As you know, I've been brought here at a very young age. I knew and know nothing about my family or my place of birth at all. From what you said, it seems like you know a little about where I'm from. I want to go to the 11 houses to find more answers, I just know that there will be at least some information about what I want to know, and if I'm lucky, all the information that I'm supposed to know."

I said to him, and the man and his crew all looked at each other. I grabbed Mark's hand, nervous about what they were about to say, and I felt Mark squeeze my hand lightly.

"Hmm... Mark, I know who you are, I know your parents well so I suppose they allowed you to come on, you Y/N... you look like you'd stay here anyways even if I tell you to go off... We do have enough supplies and clothes for people your age... Alright then, welcome on board kids. Crew, we're taking off in 5 minutes. You kids can change into the suits that are at the back in the cabin when we're in flight."

The man then announced to us, and Mark and I cheered. 

"Also you can address me as Cyrus."

Cyrus said to us, and we nodded.

"Cyrus, you'll tell me everything you know about my place of birth?"

I then asked him with a hint of hope in my tone, and Cyrus smiled.

"If that's what you're after, I'm honored to. I'll tell you everything I know, it may not be much but I hope it will help you at least."

He said, and I smiled at him, grateful.

"Thank you Cyrus for letting us be a part of your travels, so where are we off to first?"

Mark asked him, and Cyrus looked at us, excited and hopeful.

"You kids are really up for it, I like that. Our first stop, Virgo."

Cyrus said.

"We're taking off sir!"

The ship crew shouted out, and everyone cheered, as we heard the motors roar, and we felt the vibrations of the engines roll beneath our feet. Mark and I ran to the windows, and before we knew it, we were off the ground, slowly getting higher and higher. We couldn't believe our dream was really happening.

"Alright, let's go!"

Cyrus shouted out a command, and we felt the ship tilt upwards a little, and then it accelerated forward at an increasing speed, almost like a rollercoaster, as we watched the view of Leo from the window, vanish into a sea of stars.

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