jack manifold

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title: you're cute

summary: y/n [jacks gf] accidentally walks in on jack streaming and jack get flustered after what she says

mentions: jack, tommy


y/n was currently on tiktok and she found a very cool edit of jack, her boyfriend. so she wanted to show him.

she sprinted up the stairs giggling- also not realising he was streaming. she ran into his room and tapped his shoulder many times.

'oo jack jack look what i found' she quickly shoved her phone in fount of his face making him adjust his position on his chair, out of the corner of his eye he looked at her; all giddy over a stupid edit someone made, jumping on the balls of their feet, giggling.

'that's...very good love, but y/n you do realise i'm streaming' he laughed as he watched her reaction. her face scrunched up as she looked at his monitor. slowly trying to back out of the frame- well that was until jack grabbed her hand, pulling her onto his lap.

she yelped covering her face in his hands, hers on top just to make sure he doesn't move them.

'you good there' he whispered into her ear, feeling her shake her head.

'OI JACK MANIFOLD WHY IS THERE A WOMAN ON YOUR LAP! WHERES Y/N? IM FUCKING TELLING HER!' the screams of tommy could be heard from his headphones- making her giggle. she slowly removed their hands, waving to the face cam.

'AYYY WOMANNNNB HOW ARE YOUUUU' both jack and y/n laughed

'tommy what the fuck-'


i hope you enjoyed :D
sorry it was short and shit

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